Boss HP updates

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Jan 2, 2022
Hello, i have skripted a custom boss and i just wanted to know how i can display his health in his nametag. I tried some but it wouldent update. Thanks!

command /rstbs:
    permission: op
        set {alive} to false

every 1 second:
    if {alive} is false:
        spawn 1 adult zombie at location 110, 64, 101 in world "skyblock"
        equip last spawned zombie with iron chestplate of protection 4
        equip last spawned zombie with iron leggings of protection 4
        equip last spawned zombie with iron boots of protection 4
        set last spawned zombie's held item to iron sword of sharpness 4 and knockback 1
        set last spawned zombie's max health to 100
        set last spawned zombie's health to 100
        set display name of last spawned zombie to "&6Zombie King"
        set {alive} to true
on death:
    if display name of victim is "&6Zombie King":
        cancel drops
        set {loot} to 0
        chance of 2%:
            set {loot} to 1
        chance of 1%:
            set {loot} to 2
        send "&9Boss Down!" to attacker
        if {loot} is 1:
            play sound "block.note_block.harp" with pitch 1 to the attacker
            wait 0.2 seconds
            play sound "block.note_block.harp" with pitch 1.2 to the attacker
            wait 0.2 seconds
            play sound "block.note_block.harp" with pitch 1.4 to the attacker
            send "&l&3Boss Drop! &2Zombie Knight Chestplate &7(1/50 Drop!)" to attacker
            give attacker unbreakable gold chestplate named "&6Zombie Knight Chestplate" with lore "&3Gives Permenant Strength 1"
        if {loot} is 2:
            play sound "block.note_block.harp" with pitch 1 to the attacker
            wait 0.2 seconds
            play sound "block.note_block.harp" with pitch 1.2 to the attacker
            wait 0.2 seconds
            play sound "block.note_block.harp" with pitch 1.4 to the attacker
            send "&l&3Boss Drop! &2Zombie Knight Sword &7(1/100 Drop!)" to attacker
            give attacker unbreakable gold sword named "&6Zombie Knight Sword" with lore "&3+50 Damage"
        set {alive} to false
i tried just setting the name to “zombie name %health of last spawned entity%” but it just put the max health
i tried just setting the name to “zombie name %health of last spawned entity%” but it just put the max health
I did some research. Try this:

    zombie: &6King Zombie

on damage:
    if victim is not a player:
        if victim's max health = 100:
            set {_h1} to victim's health
            set {_h2} to victim's max health
            set victim's display name to "{@zombie} %{_h1}%/%{_h2}%"