Inventory Full?/ Item Check

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017

Do someone know how can i check if player's inventory full?

because i have tried with

set {_i} to line 2 of clicked block parsed as item #Output its 32 of CobbleStone
player has enough space for {_i}
No error. but doesn't work. he will filled contiue up...

And other question:

How can i check, if player has this items in thier inventory?

i have tried with
               if player's inventory has {_i}:
                    send "he got this items"
                    remove {_i} from player's inventory
                    send "nop"

but output is still evertime say "nop"...
Hmm... seen doesn't works for me :C


Im running 1.9 with Skript 2.2 fixes v9b
Bensku fixed that condition when I reported it a while ago, and you're using a buggy af version of Skript rn.

Why stay in the 1.9 when you can use the 1.11.2 with ProtocolSupport tho...
Because i suck at Upgrade the server, i don't like evertime upgrade the server then too this plugins then shit Error Output... Report here... and a lot stuff... I DON'T like it.

If there a download aviable for server (Within All addons (Not all...)) then would be nice.

P.s: How can i ... give a player item with no name and lore?! i tried around with no nbt but give me evertime error:

Can't understand this expression: '{_i} with no nbt parsed as item' (, line 129: set {_i} to {_i} with no nbt parsed as item')

set {_i} to clicked item
replace every " of" with "" in {_i}
set {_i} to {_i} with no nbt parsed as item
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If there a download aviable (Within All addons (Not all...)) then would be nice.
I could upload my 1.11.2 skript test server if you want. It currently has the following plugins:

Plugins (25): LuckPerms 3.0.0, Vixio 1.1.1, Skript 2.2 dev25, PlaceholderAPI 2.7.1, skDragon 0.13.1-BETA, Reqn 1.2.0, SkQuery 3.5.6a, SkriptJSON 1.0.0, WolvSK 1.5.4, ProtocolLib 4.2.1-b353, SkStuff, Skellett 1.8.8, skRayFall 1.9.7, MundoSK 1.7.5-BETA.7.139, skUtilities 0.8.9, QuarSk 1.2.1, Vault 1.5.6-b49 , RandomSK-fixed 2.7.1, Fe 1.0, Umbaska 3.3, SharpSK, TuSKe 1.7.4
Sure if they don't give any Error at startup.
[doublepost=1490497073,1490494162][/doublepost]well he gone after 1 min reply....
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