Solved Gen skript owner not working

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New Member
Sep 7, 2021
I made a gen skript that works fine and added that only the owner of that gen can upgrade/remove it but it doesn't work, there are no errors in the skript.

I have attached the full skript, and put the part I think is not working in the thread.
I have set the {owner} to player and then checked if the owner is set and if it's not player.

When I destroy/upgrade the gen it works fine, but when another player destroys it it doesn't stop him and let him break the gen.

command /wheatgen:
    permission: op
    permission message: "&4You are not allowed to do that!"
        give player hay block named "&eWheat Gen"
command /pumpkingen:
    permission: op
    permission message: "&4You are not allowed to do that!"
        give player pumpkin named "&6Pumpkin Gen"
command /coalgen:
    permission: op
    permission message: "&4You are not allowed to do that!"
        give player coal block named "&8Coal Gen"
command /irongen:
    permission: op
    permission message: "&4You are not allowed to do that!"
        give player iron block named "&fIron Gen"
command /goldgen:
    permission: op
    permission message: "&4You are not allowed to do that!"
        give player gold block named "&6Gold Gen"
command /gencapreset [<player>]:
    permission: op
    permission message: "&4You can't execute this command!"
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is a player:
                send "&bYou have reset %arg-1% &bgenacp" to player
                set {gens::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0
command /gens:
        send "&bYou have placed %{gens::%player's uuid%}% &bgens!" to player

on place of hay block:
    if name of player's held item contains "&eWheat Gen":
        if {gens::%player's uuid%} < 10:
            set {owner} to player
            add 1 to {gens::%player's uuid%}
            add location of event-block to {placed::gens::%player's uuid%::*}
            send action bar "&bYou placed a wheat gen!" to player
            cancel event
            send action bar "&cYou have reached the max gens you can place!" to player
on left click on hay block:
    if {placed::gens::%player's uuid%::*} contains location of event-block:
        if player is sneaking:
            if {owner} is set:
                if {owner} is not player:
                    cancel event
                    send action bar "&cYou are not the owner of this gen!" to player
                    cancel event
                    set event-block to air
                    remove 1 from {gens::%player's uuid%}
                    remove location of event-block from {placed::gens::%player's uuid%::*}
                    send action bar "&cYou broke a wheat gen!" to player
                    give player hay block named "&eWheat Gen"
            cancel event
            send action bar "&bTo break a gen you need to be shifting." to player
on right click on hay block:
    if {placed::gens::%player's uuid%::*} contains location of event-block:
        if player is sneaking:
            if {owner} is set:
                if {owner} is not player:
                    send action bar "&cYou are not the owner of this gen!" to player
                    wait 10 ticks
                    set event-block to pumpkin
                    send action bar "&bYou upgraded a gen!" to player


  • Gen skript.txt
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It's okay!
Just click the plus and click code to insert your code.
[doublepost=1631033131,1631033082][/doublepost]Also can you send your errors so I can see what's wrong?
It's okay!
Just click the plus and click code to insert your code.
[doublepost=1631033131,1631033082][/doublepost]Also can you send your errors so I can see what's wrong?
I have no errors in the skript, it just doesn't work
you know that {owner} is a global variable and is not specific at all?
I fixed it myself I debugged and I realised it's about that it's checking for the placed gens of the player's uuid if {placed::gens::%player's uuid%::*} contains location of event-block:.
[doublepost=1631112526,1631112480][/doublepost]How do I close this post?
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