Skript Problem - Incorrect Responce

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Jan 4, 2021
Hi, I need help with figuring out the problem behind my small code here.

I have made a command which will give me items the way I specify them to be given (Get and Give).

The first part of the Skript works correctly, from the first "if arg-1 is ..." on until the second "if arg-1 is ...".
When I place a second if arg-1 is with different arg-2's following it, it keeps showing the output that arg-1 (second arg-1 in the skript) gives, combined with its special arg-2's.

(changing "else if arg-1" to "if arg-1" doesn't change anything.)

Any solutions?

!!!! SKRIPT:

NoPerm: &4&l(&f&lUK&4&l) >> &4You do not have the needed permissions to use this command!
ConsoleMessage: &4&l(&f&lUK&4&l) >> &4You need to be in-game for this commando to work correctly!

command /TT [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
if executor isn't a player:
message "{@ConsoleMessage}"

if arg-1 isn't set:
if executor doesn't have permission "":
message "{@NoPerm}"
message ""
message "&4&l>------(&f&lTT&4&l)------<"
message ""
message "&7/TT &c>>&7 ... &7[&cGet&7, &cGive&7]"
message ""
message "&4&l>------(&f&lTT&4&l)------<"
message ""

if arg-1 is "get":
if executor doesn't have permission "testperm.get":
message "{@NoPerm}"
message ""
message "&4&l>------(&f&lTT&4&l)------<"
message ""
message "&7/TT get &c>>&7 ... &7[&cTest_Item&7, &cItem22&7]"
message ""
message "&4&l>------(&f&lTT&4&l)------<"
message ""
if arg-2 is "Test_Item":
give iron ingot named "&4&lTest-Item" with lore "&f&lThis it a Test-Item" to the player
message "&7You have recieved the powerfull &4&lTest-Item&7!"
if arg-2 is "Item2":
give gold ingot named "&4&lItem2" with lore "&f&lThis is a Item2" to the player
message "&7You have recieved &4&lItem22&7!"

else if arg-1 is "give":
message "1-give-test"
message "2-give-test"
message "3-give-test"
message "4-give-test"
message "5-give-test"
message "6-give-test"
message "7-give-test"
if arg-2 is "test1":
message "TEST1 WORKS"
if arg-2 is "test2":
message "TEST2 WORKS"


  • upload_2021-1-4_9-17-5.png
    43.4 KB · Views: 97
Im confused here what are you trying to do?
I am making a command named /TT. The command has multiple arguments-1's, "get" and "give". After you put in the arg-1 named "get", you get a new message, after which you can include the second argument, to recieve an item.

With the arg-1 named "give", the command still works fine. Only when you add an arg-2 following the "give arg-1", it will show the correct message, but also the arg-1 output, which it should not show becouse I have put in the second argument already.

The Code following the first arg-1 and the second arg-1 are the same, though the arg-2's behind the second arg-1 command give a different output.

(I hope I am speaking clear enough here)


This picture above ^^ Shows what the output is per command


And this picture above here ^^ show what outputs should not be given. (the red lines indicate what outputs should not be send)
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