Error in my function I dont know how to fix

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Active Member
Jul 15, 2020
Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.4.1
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Server Spigot 1.12.2

On load:
    set {M1911} to a Iron horse armor named "M1911"

Function guns(p: player, v: entity):
    if {_p} is holding {M1911}:
        if the distance between the {_p} and {_v} is less than 10:
            set {vida.%{_v}%} to {vida.%{_v}%} - 12.5
            message "12.5" to {_p}
            message "%{vida.%{_v}%}%" to {_p}
        else if the distance between the {_p} and {_v} is more than 10:
            set {vida.%{_v}%} to {vida.%{_v}%} - 6.25

on rightclick:
    player is holding {M1911}
    make the player shoot an snowball at speed 2
command /gun:
        give {M1911} to the player
on damage of a zombie:
    if {vida.%victim%} is set:
        damage was caused by lava, fire or burning
        cancel event
    if {vida.%victim%} is set:
        cancel event
        attacker is a player
        guns(attacker, victim)
        if {vida.%victim%} is less than or equal to 0:
            kill victim
command /test:
        spawn a zombie 1 meter above the player
        add 1 to {z_count}
        set {zombie::%{z_count}%} to last spawned entity
        set {vida.%{zombie::%{z_count}%}%} to 100

Variables cannot be used here. (, line 8: if the distance between the {_p} and {_v} is less than 10:')
[18:47:23 ERROR]: 'else if' has to be placed just after another 'if' or 'else if' section (, line 12: else if the distance between the {_p} and {_v} is more than 10:')

How I try to fix the code

I did everything else widout the function and it was working great, but doing this widout a function it will be messy and will take more time
On load:
    set {M1911} to a Iron horse armor named "M1911"
Function guns(p: player, v: entity):
    if {_p} is holding {M1911}:
        if the distance between the {_p} and {_v} is less than 10:
            set {vida.%{_v}%} to {vida.%{_v}%} - 12.5
            message "12.5" to {_p}
            message "%{vida.%{_v}%}%" to {_p}
    else if the distance between the {_p} and {_v} is more than 10:
        set {vida.%{_v}%} to {vida.%{_v}%} - 6.25
on rightclick:
    player is holding {M1911}
    make the player shoot an snowball at speed 2
command /gun:
        give {M1911} to the player
on damage of a zombie:
    if {vida.%victim%} is set:
        damage was caused by lava, fire or burning
        cancel event
    if {vida.%victim%} is set:
        cancel event
        attacker is a player
        guns(attacker, victim)
        if {vida.%victim%} is less than or equal to 0:
            kill victim
command /test:
        spawn a zombie 1 meter above the player
        add 1 to {z_count}
        set {zombie::%{z_count}%} to last spawned entity
        set {vida.%{zombie::%{z_count}%}%} to 100
On load:
    set {M1911} to a Iron horse armor named "M1911"
Function guns(p: player, v: entity):
    if {_p} is holding {M1911}:
        if the distance between the {_p} and {_v} is less than 10:
            set {vida.%{_v}%} to {vida.%{_v}%} - 12.5
            message "12.5" to {_p}
            message "%{vida.%{_v}%}%" to {_p}
    else if the distance between the {_p} and {_v} is more than 10:
        set {vida.%{_v}%} to {vida.%{_v}%} - 6.25
on rightclick:
    player is holding {M1911}
    make the player shoot an snowball at speed 2
command /gun:
        give {M1911} to the player
on damage of a zombie:
    if {vida.%victim%} is set:
        damage was caused by lava, fire or burning
        cancel event
    if {vida.%victim%} is set:
        cancel event
        attacker is a player
        guns(attacker, victim)
        if {vida.%victim%} is less than or equal to 0:
            kill victim
command /test:
        spawn a zombie 1 meter above the player
        add 1 to {z_count}
        set {zombie::%{z_count}%} to last spawned entity
        set {vida.%{zombie::%{z_count}%}%} to 100
Did you fix the code or something?
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