Solved Custom enchants not working

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Jan 12, 2020
command hi:
  permission: core.admin
    give player 1 paper named "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]"

on inventory click:
  if cursor slot of player is paper:
    if name of cursor slot of player is "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]":
      if slot item is stone sword:
        set lore of event-item to "&b&lDivine"
        send "&aSuccess!" to the player
        set cursor slot of player to air
        send "&cError! &7The item you are trying to enchant isn't a sword!"
on damage:
  if lore of attacker's tool contains "&b&lDivine":
    command "smite %victim%"
    damage attacker by 2 hearts

I have no errors everything goes successfully except that if the item is enchanted it wont work and if it works it doesnt add the lore
Give this a try?

command hi:
  permission: core.admin
    give player 1 paper named "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]"
on inventory click:
  if cursor slot of player is paper:
    if name of cursor slot of player is "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]":
      if event-item is stone sword:
        set lore of event-item to "&b&lDivine"
        send "&aSuccess!" to the player
        set cursor slot of player to air
        send "&cError! &7The item you are trying to enchant isn't a sword!"
on damage:
  if lore of attacker's tool contains "&b&lDivine":
    command "smite %victim%"
    damage attacker by 2 hearts
Give this a try?

command hi:
  permission: core.admin
    give player 1 paper named "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]"
on inventory click:
  if cursor slot of player is paper:
    if name of cursor slot of player is "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]":
      if event-item is stone sword:
        set lore of event-item to "&b&lDivine"
        send "&aSuccess!" to the player
        set cursor slot of player to air
        send "&cError! &7The item you are trying to enchant isn't a sword!"
on damage:
  if lore of attacker's tool contains "&b&lDivine":
    command "smite %victim%"
    damage attacker by 2 hearts
Nvm I fized but thnz tho
Oh ok, no problem. Also this should've went in the Skript help section and not Requests because this isnt really a request and you would've gotten help much sooner :I