Solved When to use % signs

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EcHo SKitt

Oct 25, 2019
!!! BTW the list is the other person I was talking about !!!

In an "if" statement I use just
If arg-1 is set:
  if arg-1 is "Creative":
    send "Teleporting You to Creative" to player
    make console execute command "/mvtp %player% to creative

But I was looking at someone elses skript and they did this
if arg-1 is set:
   if {blockedcommands::*} contains "%arg-1%":
     send "{@alreadyBlocked}"
And im wondering why they added the "%arg-1%" ????


  • List
    1.4 KB · Views: 133
Percentage is used when you want to show (or enter) specified placeholder, and not its tag. For example, if your player is named "Steve", and you're willing to show his name in chat, you need to add %player%, and that placeholder will be changed to player's name. If you just enter word ' player' without percentages at beggining and at the end, in chat you will just see that word, and not player's name. Percentages are also used in commands, for example if you use minecraft command /teleport, and you want to teleport to someone, you can't enter - /teleport player (that will start /tp PLAYER command, and not /tp Steve), you need to add percentages to make it work like it is supposed to.
Percentage is used when you want to show (or enter) specified placeholder, and not its tag. For example, if your player is named "Steve", and you're willing to show his name in chat, you need to add %player%, and that placeholder will be changed to player's name. If you just enter word ' player' without percentages at beggining and at the end, in chat you will just see that word, and not player's name. Percentages are also used in commands, for example if you use minecraft command /teleport, and you want to teleport to someone, you can't enter - /teleport player (that will start /tp PLAYER command, and not /tp Steve), you need to add percentages to make it work like it is supposed to.
thanks for that very useful
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