API TXyaml

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TX Plugins

New Member
Nov 18, 2018
This addon allows you to use yml as a config. The syntax is similar to the skutillities addon. There for this script is incompatible with skutillities.

y[a]ml value %text% (from|of) file %text% (from|of) folder %text%
y[a]ml list %text% (from|of) file %text% (from|of) folder %text%

Item / Material
Offline Player

set {_val} to yaml value "config.test" from file "config" from folder "yourplugin/pluginfolder"
set yaml value "config.test" from file "config" from folder "yourplugin/pluginfolder" to 12
delete yaml value "config.test" from file "config" from folder "yourplugin/pluginfolder"

set {_val::*} to yaml list "config.test" from file "config" from folder "yourplugin/pluginfolder"
add "val-1" to yaml list "config.test" from file "config" from folder "yourplugin/pluginfolder"
remove "val-1" from yaml list "config.test" from file "config" from folder "yourplugin/pluginfolder"
set yaml list "config.test" from file "config" from folder "yourplugin/pluginfolder" to {_list::*}
delete yaml list "config.test" from file "config" from folder "yourplugin/pluginfolder"
This doesn’t cost money so why would there be a refund? Also how are you going to stop me from modifying this and using it? Your TOS should be renamed to “Guidelines” or “Rules” as it has no legal value and therefor is not a TOS.
This doesn’t cost money so why would there be a refund? Also how are you going to stop me from modifying this and using it? Your TOS should be renamed to “Guidelines” or “Rules” as it has no legal value and therefor is not a TOS.

Thanks for the comment. About modifying the code this was wrongly written and was meant differently. (this has been updated). About the Refund stuff we wanted 1 text to work on all our scripts that aren't even online yett.
TXyaml still loses when it comes to skript-yaml.

Code + results (forked from Rezz's original post of skript-yaml vs variables here which is quite outdated)

Picture of results

skript-yaml vs variables
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