I need help on world

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Active Member
Jul 20, 2017
Does anyone know how to do this can only be done in a world that I select?

command /event:
    permission: event.use
    permission message: &cNo permissions
        broadcast ""
        execute console command "/setblock 757 55 -1007 minecraft:skull 1 replace {Owner:{Id:""fb81f77f-3a6b-45c7-96b5-6663a20ff754"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDBjZDcxZmJiYmJiNjZjN2JhZjc4ODFmNDE1YzY0ZmE4NGY2NTA0OTU4YTU3Y2NkYjg1ODkyNTI2NDdlYSJ9fX0=""}]}},SkullType:3,Rot:0}"

I just want that head to go to the world that selects
You cant specify which world to run a console command in. You should just add the nbt directly to the skull instead of using a command to spawn it. If you HAVE to use a command then a cheeky workaround is to have a random player in the world execute the command
You cant specify which world to run a console command in. You should just add the nbt directly to the skull instead of using a command to spawn it. If you HAVE to use a command then a cheeky workaround is to have a random player in the world execute the command

Same mind, I'm worth that, as I do so that the head comes out in that world being in the player there
I'll explain myself better so you can understand me, it's an event that destroys the nexus, but I just want the event to be executed in only the world of destroying the nexus, that is, the event is setblock with heads, because what I want is for the heads are only put in that world, not in the lobby of destroys the nexus

Thanks so much
ok so like i said you cant do that from console so youll have to place the skull then add nbt to it
I do not understand why the nbt tag?

I do not know how to do it, it's done with the code that custom heads give you?
You set the block at the location to a skull then add then add the nbt tags to it or i believe you could set its skin using mundosk.
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