Solved Stop certain players from receiving chat.

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Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
I am searching for a way to stop certain players from receiving the chat.
Is there a thing in skript to do this:

I know i could do it with something like this:
on chat:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
        if {chat::%loop-player%} is "On":
            send "%message%" to loop-player
But by doing it that way a lot off plugins will stop working and the chat messages don't get logged to the console anymore.
So, at the moment, your code does this:

on chat:
    cancel chat message
    loop all online players:
        if online player has chat enabled:
            send message to player

What if I told you we reverse the logic, while still having the same effect?

on chat:
    loop all players:
        if looped player has chat disabled:
            nullify the message

Now, the above was all sudo-code meant to be used to explain things more effectively; here's the above code in Skript-syntax:

on chat:
    loop all players:
        if {chat::%loop-player%} is "Off":
            remove loop-player from chat recipients

You can also use this, which is the same thing, but is a lot more compact:
on chat:
    loop all players where [{chat::%player input%} is "Off"]:
        remove loop-player from chat recipients

Note: the chat recipients expression is from RandomSK, but it was merged into Skellett
the chat recipients expression is vanilla Skript :emoji_thumbsup:
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So, at the moment, your code does this:

on chat:
    cancel chat message
    loop all online players:
        if online player has chat enabled:
            send message to player

What if I told you we reverse the logic, while still having the same effect?

on chat:
    loop all players:
        if looped player has chat disabled:
            nullify the message

Now, the above was all sudo-code meant to be used to explain things more effectively; here's the above code in Skript-syntax:

on chat:
    loop all players:
        if {chat::%loop-player%} is "Off":
            remove loop-player from chat recipients

You can also use this, which is the same thing, but is a lot more compact:
on chat:
    loop all players where [{chat::%player input%} is "Off"]:
        remove loop-player from chat recipients

Note: the chat recipients expression is from RandomSK, but it was merged into Skellett
set chat recipients to all players where [{chat::%player input%} is "On"]
and chat recipients is vanilla
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