Run Multiple Commands?

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Jun 29, 2017
Hey all, Is there a way i can run 2 or more commands in this situation?

create a gui slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" to run player command "/advancedban:ban %arg-1%"

I would like it to run a console /smite arg-1 then run the ban command but I can not find a way to do this playing around with it or in the documentation.

Thanks I think i found what i needed but the arg-1 does not seem to be carrying over, does this look right to you?

            create a gui slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %arg-1%"
                wait 2 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %arg-1%"
What do you mean arg-1 doesn't carry over?

It seems like you're combining the simple and advanced gui syntax. Here's a rough outline of what an advanced gui (which is what i think you want) should look like:

command /test:
        create new gui with id "test" with virtual chest with 3 rows named "Test":
            make gui slot 0 with cobblestone named "Test" with lore "Test":
                #command when they click the cobblestone
                #something else to happen
                #more stuff you want to happen when they click it
            make gui slot 1 with dirt named "Test" with lore "Test":
                #stuff that happens when they click the dirt
                #put as much stuff here as you want

        open gui "test" to player
What do you mean arg-1 doesn't carry over?

It seems like you're combining the simple and advanced gui syntax. Here's a rough outline of what an advanced gui (which is what i think you want) should look like:

command /test:
        create new gui with id "test" with virtual chest with 3 rows named "Test":
            make gui slot 0 with cobblestone named "Test" with lore "Test":
                #command when they click the cobblestone
                #something else to happen
                #more stuff you want to happen when they click it
            make gui slot 1 with dirt named "Test" with lore "Test":
                #stuff that happens when they click the dirt
                #put as much stuff here as you want

        open gui "test" to player
Sorry, what i mean is...

when i have it the way i had it before like this...
        if arg-1 is set:
            open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&cPerm Ban: &a%arg-1%" to player
            wait 1 tick
            create a gui slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" execute player command "/advancedban:ban %arg-1%"
the command runs fine and will ban the player (arg-1)

But when i change it to to run multiple commands like this...
        if arg-1 is set:
            open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&cPerm Ban: &a%arg-1%" to player
            wait 1 tick
            create a gui slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks":
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %arg-1%"
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %arg-1%"
I does not ban the player and says that the UUID of (none) can not be found, so its like its forgetting arg-1
So in line 6 it thinks arg-1 is none? Does it work in line 5? I guess you could try setting arg-1 to a variable then try banning %{variable}%
So in line 6 it thinks arg-1 is none? Does it work in line 5? I guess you could try setting arg-1 to a variable then try banning %{variable}%
Yeah it is weird, I will try creating a variable now, Thanks
So in line 6 it thinks arg-1 is none? Does it work in line 5? I guess you could try setting arg-1 to a variable then try banning %{variable}%
Seems like that done the trick, not sure why it would not find it as arg-1, Thanks again Donut
Seem to have a new problem now, When i put /ban PLAYERNAME it shows the player i first banned when i loaded the server, so lets say i start the server and ban "player1" that works fine then later on i try ban "player2" I comes "player1" in the %{banplayer}% variable instead of "player2" meaning if i try ban that player it says "player1 is already banned" and i can not ban any other player, Any ideas?

command /ban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    permission: smpban.use
    permission message: &c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &8> &aNice try! &7Only our staff have this permission.

        wait 2 ticks
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &8> &6/ban &7<player>"
        if arg-1 is set:
            open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &7Ban Hammer " to player
            wait 1 tick
            create a gui slot 11 of player with yellow glass pane named "&e&lTemp Ban: &a%{banplayer}%" with lore "&7Click to select" to run player command "skript:smpadmintempban %{banplayer}%"
            create a gui slot 15 of player with red glass pane named "&c&lPerm Ban: &a%{banplayer}%" with lore "&7Click to select" to run player command "skript:smpadminban %{banplayer}%"

command /smpadminban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    permission: smpban.use
    permission message: &c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &8> &aNice try! &7Only our staff have this permission.
        set {banplayer} to arg-1
        wait 2 ticks
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &8> &6/ban &7<player>"
        if arg-1 is set:
            open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&cPerm Ban: &a%{banplayer}%" to player
            wait 1 tick
            create a gui slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% PvP/Kill Aura Hacks"
            create a gui slot 10 of player with feather named "&aFly/Speed/Water Hacking" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% Fly/Speed/Water Hacking"
            create a gui slot 11 of player with diamond named "&aX-Ray" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% X-Ray"
            create a gui slot 12 of player with compass named "&aAdvertising" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% Advertising"
            create a gui slot 13 of player with creeper head named "&aStaff Impersonation/Disrespect" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% Staff Impersonation/Disrespect"
            create a gui slot 14 of player with Book and Quill named "&aSpam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% Spam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS"
            create a gui slot 15 of player with tnt named "&aGriefing" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% Griefing"
            create a gui slot 16 of player with ender chest named "&aExploiting &7(Please remove items/money)" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% Exploiting"
            create a gui slot 17 of player with cobweb named "&aOther/Unspecified" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{banplayer}% Other/Unspecified"

command /smpadmintempban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    permission: smpban.use
    permission message: &c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &8> &aNice try! &7Only our staff have this permission.
        set {banplayer} to arg-1
        wait 2 tick
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &r&8> &6/tempban &7<player>"
        if arg-1 is set:
            open virtual chest inventory with 5 rows named "&eTemp Ban: &a%{banplayer}%" to player
            wait 1 tick
            create a gui slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d PvP/Kill Aura Hacks"
            create a gui slot 10 of player with feather named "&aFly/Speed/Water Hacking" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d Fly/Speed/Water Hacking"
            create a gui slot 11 of player with diamond named "&aX-Ray" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d X-Ray"
            create a gui slot 12 of player with compass named "&aAdvertising" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d Advertising"
            create a gui slot 13 of player with creeper head named "&aStaff Impersonation/Disrespect" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d Staff Impersonation/Disrespect"
            create a gui slot 14 of player with Book and Quill named "&aSpam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d Spam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS"
            create a gui slot 15 of player with tnt named "&aGriefing" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d Griefing"
            create a gui slot 16 of player with ender chest named "&aExploiting  &7(Please remove items/money)" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d Exploiting"
            create a gui slot 17 of player with cobweb named "&aOther/Unspecified" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 7d Other/Unspecified"
            create a gui slot 27 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d PvP/Kill Aura Hacks"
            create a gui slot 28 of player with feather named "&aFly/Speed/Water Hacking" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d Fly/Speed/Water Hacking"
            create a gui slot 29 of player with diamond named "&aX-Ray" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d X-Ray"
            create a gui slot 30 of player with compass named "&aAdvertising" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d Advertising"
            create a gui slot 31 of player with creeper head named "&aStaff Impersonation/Disrespect" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d Staff Impersonation/Disrespect"
            create a gui slot 32 of player with Book and Quill named "&aSpam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d Spam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS"
            create a gui slot 33 of player with tnt named "&aGriefing" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d Griefing"
            create a gui slot 34 of player with ender chest named "&aExploiting  &7(Please remove items/money)" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d Exploiting"
            create a gui slot 35 of player with cobweb named "&aOther/Unspecified" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute console command "/essentials:smite %{banplayer}%"
                wait 5 ticks
                execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{banplayer}% 14d Other/Unspecified"
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