Solved a

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Whipped this up really quick. Hasn't been tested.
on damage of player:
    if attacker is a player:
        if {tagged::%uuid of attacker%} is not uuid of victim:
            send "You have tagged %victim%." to attacker
        if {tagged::%uuid of victim%} is not set:
            send "You have been tagged by %attacker%." to victim

        set {tagged::%uuid of attacker%} to uuid of victim
        set {tagged.time::%uuid of attacker%} to 15
        if {tagged.while::%uuid of attacker%} is not set:
            set {tagged.while::%uuid of attacker%} to true
            while {tagged.while::%uuid of attacker%} is set:
                remove 1 from {tagged.time::%uuid of attacker%}
                if {tagged.time::%uuid of attacker%} is 0:
                    delete {tagged.while::%uuid of attacker%}
                    delete {tagged::%uuid of attacker%}
                    delete {tagged.time::%uuid of attacker%}
                    send "You are no longer in combat." to attacker
                wait 1 second
        set {tagged::%uuid of victim%} to uuid of attacker
        set {tagged::%uuid of victim%} to 15
        if {tagged.while::%uuid of victim%} is not set:
            set {tagged.while::%uuid of victim%} to true
            while {tagged.while::%uuid of victim%} is set:
                remove 1 from {tagged.time::%uuid of victim%}
                if {tagged.time::%uuid of victim%} is 0:
                    delete {tagged.while::%uuid of victim%}
                    delete {tagged::%uuid of victim%}
                    delete {tagged.time::%uuid of victim%}
                    send "You are no longer in combat." to victim
                wait 1 second

on quit:
    if {tagged::%uuid of player%} is set:
        kill the player
        broadcast "%player% has been killed for logging out while in combat."
    delete {tagged.while::%uuid of player%}
    delete {tagged::%uuid of player%}
    delete {tagged.time::%uuid of player%}

command /combattag:
        if {tagged::%uuid of player%} is set:
            send "You are currently in combat with %{tagged::%uuid of player%}% and must wait another %{tagged.time::%uuid of player%}% before you are no longer in combat."
        send "You are not in combat."
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Reactions: KingAlterIV
Hm.. It does not work. When i get tagged by my alt acc, and type in /combattag, it says i am not in combat. Also i don't die when i quit and log in again
i did use the format in the other post
Only bump 24 hours AFTER the last post.
I reported your bump for removal.
I am bumping cus i need help lmao
Follow the rules if you want help.
If you're going to be this way then think of it this way:
If you're not going to be respectful to people and call them "lmao" and not follow the rules, are you really going to break a law in real life just because you're a dumbass and don't want to follow the speed limit? I mean seriously kid.