Can anyone help me with this

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Feb 5, 2024
Hey, I am new to skript and I heard about addons for skript but I don't know what that does and how to install. Can anybody help me :emoji_grinning:
Suggest some addons too
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Addons for Skript add new syntax, including expressions, effects, events, types, and sections.
They expand upon Skript in a lot of different ways.

Documentation for many more popular addons can be found here
or here

You can download them by simply clicking the install button and putting the .jar in your plugins folder. I suggest these addons.
Addons for Skript add new syntax, including expressions, effects, events, types, and sections.
They expand upon Skript in a lot of different ways.

Documentation for many more popular addons can be found here
or here

You can download them by simply clicking the install button and putting the .jar in your plugins folder. I suggest these addons.
Oh thank you so much for your help.