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I will use chunky to load all the chunks beforehand (after adding the plugin)
In that case yeah you can use the skript provided, do a big chunky load, wait a bit (depending on your server strength could be minutes, could be an hour+) until every chunk loads and has the bedrock generate.

A flat layer of bedrock is still really easy to get past, however, so as I said before, I recommend that you cancel any block break or teleport events at or below y=0. That being said, you can also just make it so when they go under they get sent up to the surface.
In that case yeah you can use the skript provided, do a big chunky load, wait a bit (depending on your server strength could be minutes, could be an hour+) until every chunk loads and has the bedrock generate.

A flat layer of bedrock is still really easy to get past, however, so as I said before, I recommend that you cancel any block break or teleport events at or below y=0. That being said, you can also just make it so when they go under they get sent up to the surface.
I am trying to find a plugin that blocks headless pistons.