Solved 'wool:0' and 'stained_glass' don't work

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Jun 11, 2017
I'm running the latest version of Skript, with addons SkQuery Lime, Skellett, and TuSKe. <-- All latest versions.
I'm always having a problem trying to set something to wool or stained glass.

If I try to put anything--red wool, red_wool, wool:14--it doesn't work and tells me it isn't an item type or an item stack, or if I put wool:14 it tells me that :14 is not a valid item data.
This is really annoying and no matter how I put it Skript/SkQuery/addons don't recognize that I just want red wool.
If I try to make an item stained glass--NOT the pane, just stained glass, as in the block--it always puts the pane instead of the glass. This is also annoying (although not as annoying as the first. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:)
Can someone help me? Am I doing anything wrong? <-- 99% chance that that is the answer imo :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
My code:
command /beephideandseek:
    description: "The command run when the player clicks on the stone block in the compass menu."
        wait 1 tick
        make player execute command "has join"
        play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
command /beepsurvival:
    description: "The command run when the player clicks on the grass block in the compass menu."
        execute console command "mvtp %player% SURVIVAL"
        play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
command /beepasg:
    description: "The command run when the player clicks on sand in the compass menu."
        execute player command "asg"
        play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
command /beepspawn:
    description: "The command run when the player clicks on a beacon in the compass menu."
        execute player command "spawn"
        play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
command /beepskywars:
    description: "The command run when the player clicks on an iron sword in the compass menu."
        execute player command "sw join"
        play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
command /beepskyblock:
    description: "The command run when the player clicks on cobblestone in the compass menu."
        execute player command "is"
        play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
command /beepleakyfloor:
    description: "The command run when the player clicks on lime hardened clay in the compass menu."
        execute console command "warp lf %player%"
        play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2

on join:
    player's world is "world":
        wait 1 tick
        set slot 0 of player's inventory to compass named "&aSelector &7(Right Click)" with lore "&9Select something to do!"
        set slot 1 of player's inventory to white wool named "&cC&6o&el&ao&br&9s" with lore "&fThe colors used in chat."
on respawn:
    player's world is "world":
        wait 1 tick
        set slot 0 of player's inventory to compass named "&aSelector &7(Right Click)" with lore "&9Select something to do!"
        set slot 1 of player's inventory to white wool named "&cC&6o&el&ao&br&9s" with lore "&fThe colors used in chat."
on inventory click:
    player's world is "world":
        if player is not op:
            cancel event
on right click:
    player's world is "world":
        if player is holding compass named "&aSelector &7(Right Click)" with lore "&9Select something to do!":
            wait 1 tick
            play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
            open better inventory type "DISPENSER" named "&a&lSelector" to player
            format gui slot 4 of player with grass block named "&aSurvival" with lore "&9Play vanilla survival" to run player command "/beepsurvival"
            format gui slot 3 of player with stone named "&6HideAndSeek" with lore "&eDisguise yourself as a block and hide from the seekers!" to run player command "/beephideandseek"
            format gui slot 5 of player with sand named "&eSkyGrid" with lore "&6Survive on a grid of blocks!" to run player command "/beepasg"
            format gui slot 7 of player with beacon named "&bSpawn" with lore "&3Lost your way? Teleport to spawn!" to run player command "/beepspawn"
            format gui slot 1 of player with iron sword named "&9SkyWars" with lore "&1Teleport to the SkyWars Lobby" to run player command "/beepskywars"
            format gui slot 0 of player with cobblestone named "&7Skyblock" with lore "&8Survive on a floating island!" to run player command "/beepskyblock"
            format gui slot 2 of player with stained_hardened_clay:5 named "&cLeakyFloor" with lore "&4Minigame - Be the last one standing as the floor disintegrates!" to run player command "/beepleakyfloor"
        if player is holding white wool named "&cC&6o&el&ao&br&9s" with lore "&fThe colors used in chat.":
            wait 1 tick
            play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
            make player run command "/colors"
on item spawn:
    if event-entity's world is "world":
        cancel event
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RED GLASS BLOCK - red glass block
GLASS BLOCK - normal glass block

RED GLASS - red glass pane
GLASS - FUCK KNOWS? i don't skript anymore.

orange wool block - orange wool
white wool block - white wool
wool block - Random wool? i'm pretty sure

FUCK KNOWS, who fucking cares anyway
RED GLASS BLOCK - red glass block
GLASS BLOCK - normal glass block

RED GLASS - red glass pane
GLASS - FUCK KNOWS? i don't skript anymore.

orange wool block - orange wool
white wool block - white wool
wool block - Random wool? i'm pretty sure

FUCK KNOWS, who fucking cares anyway
@Jordan it says that white wool is neither an item type neither an item stack, as with red wool.
But the red glass block one worked. Thank you, you're very helpful :emoji_grinning:
it's white wool block

there is an alisias OR ALISEAS
OR ALLEIALIELASERI ALRE KJSFAD WHOEVER THE FUCK YOU FUCKING SPELL IT, NO CUNT FUCKING CARES., should be in the main directory of your skript folder, in there it'll show you all the syntaxs for blocks and items.
it's white wool block

there is an alisias OR ALISEAS
OR ALLEIALIELASERI ALRE KJSFAD WHOEVER THE FUCK YOU FUCKING SPELL IT, NO CUNT FUCKING CARES., should be in the main directory of your skript folder, in there it'll show you all the syntaxs for blocks and items.
Thanks a lot :emoji_grinning:
on inventory click:
    if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Inventory name":
        cancel event
        if inventory type of clicked inventory is "CHEST":
            if clicked slot is 1:
                send "Hey" to player

Don't use commands to play sound for clicked actions, just use this >
on inventory click:
    if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Inventory name":
        cancel event
        if inventory type of clicked inventory is "CHEST":
            if clicked slot is 1:
                send "Hey" to player

Don't use commands to play sound for clicked actions, just use this >
Oh, thanks :emoji_grinning:
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