Spawner drops when mined with spawn egg of the mob inside it

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New Member
Dec 1, 2020
Hello, I am trying to make it so when a player mines a spawner, the spawner drops with the spawn egg of the mob inside the spawner. But, to make sure they aren't duplicating the pig spawn eggs because on default the spawner has a pig inside it, when a pig spawner is mined by a player only the spawner gets dropped without the pig spawn egg.

Here's what I tried:
on break of spawner:
drop 1 spawner
However, that didn't drop the spawn egg with it.
That's interesting, you're only telling the skript to drop spawner and it doesn't drop an egg... :emoji_thinking:
You should get the spawner type (probably with a condition) and then drop the according egg.
That's interesting, you're only telling the skript to drop spawner and it doesn't drop an egg... :emoji_thinking:
You should get the spawner type (probably with a condition) and then drop the according egg.
I'm only a beginner at skripting, so I don't know how to do that :/
[doublepost=1606897524,1606855079][/doublepost]No one?
on break:
    if event-block is spawner:
        give 1 "spawner of choice" to player
        give 1 "egg of choice" to player
[doublepost=1606924791,1606924345][/doublepost]you should keep the documentation by you when you need help, heres the link
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