Skript not giving copper when it should

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Apr 20, 2021
Hey, so I'm making a skript that makes it so that whenever a player mines a block, they get the item in their inventory and it also has compatibility with another multiplier skript and a potential autosmelter skript. Point is, for some reason, whilst all other blocks work, for some reason, copper doesnt. I've already tried giving copper in the same way using a command and it doesnt work, but this one doesnt. Here's a snippet of my code:

    else if event-block is copper ore:

        set {_drops::*} to drops of block with player's tool

        set {_multi} to {multiplier::%player's uuid%::multiplier} * 1

        clear drops

        if {_drops::*} contains ("raw copper" parsed as an item):

            if {tools::%player's uuid%::smelter} is true:

                remove ("raw copper" parsed as an item) from {_drops::*}

                add {_multi} of ("copper ingot" parsed as an item) to {_drops::*}

                give player {_drops::*}


                remove ("raw copper" parsed as an item) from {_drops::*}

                add {_multi} of ("raw copper" parsed as an item) to {_drops::*}

                give player {_drops::*}

Any help is appreciated!
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Hi, please, next time try to use </> button, isn't simple for me to understand how the code is write.

if event-block is copper ore or deepslate copper ore:

"if {_drops::*} contains ("raw copper" parsed as an item)" this type of expression not work
i tried without it and after that you have another line of code with same expression: remove ("raw copper" parsed as an item) from {_drops::*}
This not work too and give to the player raw copper (drops x multiplier 4 copper x 3) and the copper ingots too (but only copper ingot x multiplier copper ingot x 3), here you need (amount x multiplier) x copper ingot [if multiplier not replace fortune, if does you need to remove multiplier from here]

i used: remove {_drops::*} from {_drops::*} and worked

But remain "if {_drops::*} contains ("raw copper" parsed as an item)" and the ingots multiplier problem

on break:
    set {multiplier::%player's uuid%::multiplier} to 3
    set {tools::%player's uuid%::smelter} to true
    broadcast " "
    if event-block is copper ore or deepslate copper ore:
        set {_drops::*} to drops of block with player's tool
        set {_multi} to {multiplier::%player's uuid%::multiplier} * 1
        clear drops
#        if {_drops::*} contains ("raw copper" parsed as an item):
        if {tools::%player's uuid%::smelter} is true:
            broadcast "Smelter Contition"
            loop {_drops::*}:
                broadcast "&c1 %loop-value%"
#            remove ("raw copper" parsed as an item) from {_drops::*}# doesn't remove nothing
            remove {_drops::*} from {_drops::*}
            loop {_drops::*}:
                broadcast "&c2 %loop-value%"
            add {_multi} of ("copper ingot" parsed as an item) to {_drops::*}# add wrong quantity of copper ingots
            loop {_drops::*}:
                if loop-value contain "raw copper":
                    remove loop-value from {_drops::*}
                broadcast "&c3 %loop-value%"
            give player {_drops::*}
            loop {_drops::*}:
                broadcast "&c4 %loop-value%"
        else if {tools::%player's uuid%::smelter} is false:
            broadcast "Raw Contition"
            remove ("raw copper" parsed as an item) from {_drops::*}
            add {_multi} of ("raw copper" parsed as an item) to {_drops::*}
            give player {_drops::*}
        else if {tools::%player's uuid%::smelter} isn't set:
            broadcast "Smelter Contition"
            remove ("raw copper" parsed as an item) from {_drops::*}
            add {_multi} of ("raw copper" parsed as an item) to {_drops::*}
            broadcast "raw copper"
            give player {_drops::*}
#        loop {_drops::*}:
#            broadcast "&c%loop-value%"

on skript stop:
    delete {multiplier::*}
    delete {tools::*}
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