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May 4, 2024
I'm working on a skript which can teleport the player or another player (whom they hit) to a location of an arrow that the player shot
I don't get any errors but it doesn't work :emoji_pensive:
Does anyone know why or can help me :emoji_pray:

on shoot:

    if shooter is a player:

        if projectile is an arrow:

            if shooter's tool is bow:

                if display name of shooter's tool is "&dVoid Bow":

                    set {TeleportArrow} to true

                    set {ArrowID} to 1

                    set shooter's held item to {VoidPortal}

on projectile collide:

    if event-projectile is an arrow:

        if {ArrowID} is set:

            set {_Location} to event-projectile

            set {StoredLoc} to {_Location}

on right click:

    if player's held item is a diamond named "&dVoid Portal":

        set {_tp} to uuid of player

        if {Mana::%{_tp}%} is more than 25:

            remove 25 from {Mana::%{_tp}%}

            teleport player to {StoredLoc}

            wait 1 second

            delete {StoredLoc}

            delete {ArrowID}



on damage of player:

    if attacker's held item is a diamond named "&dVoid Portal":

        set {_attacker} to uuid of attacker

        if {Mana::%{_attacker}%} is more than 10:

            remove 10 from {Mana::%{_attacker}%}

            teleport victim to {StoredLoc}

            wait 1 second

            delete {StoredLoc}

            delete {ArrowID}



Also im new to the forums so sorry if i do anything wrong :sob:
I rewrote with metadatas for storage and should fix variable overwrites

on shoot:

    if shooter is a player:

        if projectile is an arrow:

            if shooter's tool is bow:

                if display name of shooter's tool is "&dVoid Bow":

                    set shooter's held item to {VoidPortal}

                    set metadata tag "VoidOwner" of projectile to shooter

on projectile collide:

    if event-projectile is an arrow:

        if metadata tag "VoidOwner" of event-projectile is set:

            set {_p} to metadata tag "VoidOwner" of event-projectile

            set metadata tag "VoidLoc" of {_p} to location of event-projectile

            clear metadata value "VoidOwner" of event-projectile
on right click:

    if player's held item is a diamond named "&dVoid Portal":

        metadata tag "VoidLoc" of player is set

        set {_tp} to uuid of player

        if {Mana::%{_tp}%} is more than 25:

            remove 25 from {Mana::%{_tp}%}

            teleport player to metadata tag "VoidLoc" of player

            wait 1 second

            clear metadata value "VoidLoc" of player



on damage of player:

    if attacker's held item is a diamond named "&dVoid Portal":

        set {_attacker} to uuid of attacker

        if {Mana::%{_attacker}%} is more than 10:

            remove 10 from {Mana::%{_attacker}%}

            teleport victim to metadata tag "VoidLoc" of attacker

            wait 1 second

            clear metadata value "VoidLoc" of attacker

