Skript for putting items from killed players in a chest doesn't work

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Apr 20, 2024
If a player dies from hands of another player(for example the sword was the last hit), the chest spawns in the place they died with 50% of items the victim had. But when the player gets killed via skript, the chest doesnt spawn. Could you help me? Skript:

on join:
       set {combat.%player%} to false

    on damage:
       if {combat.%victim%} is false:
           attacker is player
           if victim isn't wearing armor:
               cancel event
       if {combat.%victim%} is false:
           attacker is player
           if attacker isn't wearing armor:
               cancel event
       attacker is player
       victim is player
       set {combat.attacker.%{_p}%} to "%attacker%"
       set {combat.victim.%{_p}%} to "%victim%"

    function combat(p: player):
       if {combat.%{_p}%} is false:

            set {combat.%{_p}%} to true
           set {combat.cooldown.%{_p}%} to 16

            while {combat.cooldown.%{_p}%} is not 0:

                remove 1 from {combat.cooldown.%{_p}%}
               send actionbar "&4&lIn combat &6for &4&l%{combat.cooldown.%{_p}%}% &6seconds. Don't log out." to {_p}

                if {combat.cooldown.%{_p}%} is 0:
                   set {combat.%{_p}%} to false
                   send actionbar "&6You are no longer in &4&lcombat&6. You can &4&llog out &6now." to {_p}
                   delete {combat.attacker.%{_p}%}
                   delete {combat.victim.%{_p}%}

               wait 1 second
           set {combat.cooldown.%{_p}%} to 16

   command /ct:
       permission: sc.clearCombatLog
           set {combat.cooldown.%player%} to 0
           set {combat.%player%} to false

    on quit:
       if {combat.%player%} is true:
           kill player
           set {combat.%player%} to false
           set {combat.cooldown.%player%} to 0

    on death:
       if victim's world is "World1":

            set {_loc} to victim's location
           set block at location at {_loc} to chest

            loop all items in victim's inventory:
               chance of 50%:
                   add loop-item to {_items::*}
           loop all blocks in radius 2 around victim:
               if loop-block is chest:
                   loop {_items::*}:           
                       add loop-value-2 to loop-block's inventory
                       remove loop-value-2 from {_items::*}
                       remove loop-value-2 from victim's inventory


            wait 30 seconds
           set block at location at {_loc} to air
   on death:   
       if {combat.%victim%} is true:
           send actionbar "&6You are no longer in &4&lcombat&6. You can &4&llog out &6now." to attacker and victim
           set death message to "%victim% got &4&lkilled &fby %attacker%"
           set {combat.%victim%} to false
           set {combat.cooldown.%victim%} to 0

    on command:
       if {combat.%player%} is true:
           if command isn't "ct":
               send actionbar "&4&lYou are not allowed to use commands during combat!"
               cancel event

   on step on lime carpet:

        if {combat.%player%} is false:
           push player north at speed 3
           push player up at speed 2

    on damage:
       if damage was caused by void:
           if {combat.%victim%} is true:
               if {combat.attacker.%{_p}%} isn't victim:
                   teleport victim to location of ({combat.attacker.%{_p}%} parsed as a player)
                   wait 1 ticks
                   kill victim
                   teleport victim to location of ({combat.victim.%{_p}%} parsed as a player)
                   wait 1 ticks
                   kill victim

            else if {combat.%victim%} is false:
               set {_p} to victim's world
               teleport victim to location(-37.5, 28, -91.5, {_p}, 0, 0)
               cancel event
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