Discord Thread Skript class gui

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
    prefix: &eArtix&cRPG &8|

on join:
    if {joined::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {class::%player's uuid%} to "&b&lUNRANKED"
        set {joined::%player's uuid%} to true

on join:
    if {class::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {class::%player's uuid%} to "&b&lUNRANKED"

on join:
    if {class::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {_class} to {class::%player's uuid%}

command /deldata:
    permission: console
        delete {class::*}

function classGUI(p: player):
    create a gui with virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Choose Class" with shape "---------" and "-1-2-3-4-" and "---------":
        make gui slot "-" with black stained glass pane
        make gui slot "1" with SHIELD named "&eWarrior (Tank)":
            chooseClass({_p}, "Warrior")
        make gui slot "2" with diamond ore named "&eArcher":
            chooseClass({_p}, "Knight")
        make gui slot "3" with wheat named "&eArcher":
            chooseClass({_p}, "Archer")
        make gui slot "4" with raw cod named "&eMage":
            chooseClass({_p}, "Mage")
    open last gui to {_p}

command /class:
function chooseClass(p: player, t: text):

    {_t} is "Warrior":
        set {_class} to {_t}
        send "{@prefix} &eYou have choosed class &b%{_t}%&e." to {_p}
    {_t} is "Knight":
        set {_class} to {_t}
        send "{@prefix} &eYou have choosed class &b%{_t}%&e." to {_p}
    {_t} is "Archer":
        set {_class} to {_t}
        send "{@prefix} &eYou have choosed class &b%{_t}%&e." to {_p}
    {_t} is "Mage":
        set {_class} to {_t}
        send "{@prefix} &eYou have choosed class &b%{_t}%&e." to {_p}

When I choose any class it doesn't show in sidebar and my stats my class, just UNRANKED it doesn't change.

Can anyone help me?

Posted by: .h4xr from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
in the chooseClass() function, you are setting {_class} to the name of the class, but nothing else. {_class} is a LOCAL variable, meaning it will only work in the code that is being used (in this case, ONLY inside the function, nothing else). I'm assuming the scoreboard is displaying "%{_class}%" ? If so, it is trying to show a local variable that was already deleted
so, just replace the {_class} in your function with {class::%uuid of {_p}%} and you're good

Posted by: tobyminceraft from the skUnity Discord.
    prefix: &eArtix&cRPG &8|
on join:
    if {joined::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {class::%player's uuid%} to "&b&lUNRANKED"
        set {joined::%player's uuid%} to true
on join:
    if {class::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {class::%player's uuid%} to "&b&lUNRANKED"
on join:
    if {class::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {_class} to {class::%player's uuid%}
command /deldata:
    permission: console
        delete {class::*}

function classGUI(p: player):
    set {_} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "Choose Class"
    set slot (integers between 0 and 27) of {_} to black stained glass pane
    set slot 10 of {_} to shield named "&eWarrior (Tank)"
    set slot 12 of {_} to diamond ore named "&eArcher"
    set slot 14 of {_} to wheat named "&eArcher"
    set slot 16 of {_} to stick named "&eMage"
    open {_} to {_p}

command /class:
on inventory click:
    event-inventory is not player's inventory
    click type is left mouse button
    if name of event-inventory is "Choose Class":
        cancel event
        if clicked slot is 10 or 12 or 14 or 16:
            set {_t} to uncolored name of clicked slot
            replace " (Tank)" with "" in {_t}
            set {class::%player's uuid%} to {_t}
            send "{@prefix} &eYou have choosed class &b%{_t}%&e." to player
i did it in the correct way and in normal gui

Posted by: _grifin_ from the skUnity Discord.
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