Selling wheat

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Active Member
Aug 5, 2018
Hello, I need a little help with a project im working on. Im making a shop skript and seem to be stuck on a little part. How can i make it so if a player has anywhere from 1 to 500 wheat in there inv, and click the sell all button, it will remove it all and multiply the sell cost depending on what group they are in. How can i loop the amount and multiply the money they will get? I hope you understand what im saying hahaha.

Here is the code i have now:

function wheat(P: player):
    open chest with 3 rows named "&aWheat" to {_P}
    format gui slot 17 of {_P} with command block named "&cSell all" to run:
        loop all items in {_P}'s inventory:
            if loop-value contains wheat:
                send "test" to {_P}

You dont even need to loop
set {_a} to amount of wheat in inventory of {_p}
remove {_a} of wheat from {_p}
add ({_a} * 10) to balance of {_p}
I used `10` as an example, but obviously use whatever number you need
Ok, thats way easier than i thought lol. But i get no errors and its not removing the items and giving money.

function wheat(P: player):
    open chest with 1 rows named "&aWheat" to {_P}
    format gui slot 8 of {_P} with command block named "&cSell all" to run:
        if {_P}'s prefix contains "Outcast":
            set {_a} to amount of wheat in inventory of {_p}
            remove {_a} of wheat from {_p}
            add ({_a} * 10) to balance of {_p}
Ok, thats way easier than i thought lol. But i get no errors and its not removing the items and giving money.

function wheat(P: player):
    open chest with 1 rows named "&aWheat" to {_P}
    format gui slot 8 of {_P} with command block named "&cSell all" to run:
        if {_P}'s prefix contains "Outcast":
            set {_a} to amount of wheat in inventory of {_p}
            remove {_a} of wheat from {_p}
            add ({_a} * 10) to balance of {_p}
oops, change the {_p} to {_P}
What version of skript do you have?
[doublepost=1572914380,1572913600][/doublepost]This is the full code here.

function wheat(P: player):
    open chest with 1 rows named "&aWheat" to {_P}
    format gui slot 8 of {_P} with command block named "&cSell all" to run:
        if {_P}'s prefix contains "Outcast":
            set {_a} to amount of wheat in inventory of {_P}
            Remove {_a} from {_P}
            add ({_a} * 10) to balance of {_P}
    format gui slot 0 of {_P} with red concrete named "&cCancel" to run:
    format gui slot 4 of {_P} with wheat named "&aSell Prices:" with lore "&A+ &fOutcast = 11", "&a+ &fBaron = 27.5", "&a+ &fEarl = 44", "&a+ &fRegent = 60.5", "&a+ &fKnight/Lady = 77", "&a+ &fPrince/Princess = 93.5" and "&a+ &fKing/Queen = 110"
function crops(P: player):
    open chest with 6 rows named "&aCrops" to {_P}
    format gui slot 49 of {_P} with barrier named "&cMain Page" to run:
    format gui slot 0 of {_P} with wheat named "" to run:
function mainshop(P: player):
    open chest with 6 rows named "          &c&m=====&aShop&c&m=====" to {_P}
    format gui slot 49 of {_P} with barrier named "&cClose" to close
    format gui slot 0 of {_P} with wheat named "&a&lCrops" to run:
command /shop:
[doublepost=1572919272][/doublepost]Ok, i think i got it working. Thank you shane! I appreciate it alot. :emoji_slight_smile:

Have a nice day.
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