Solved Removing specific enchantment

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New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Hey skripters :emoji_grinning:

How would I go about removing a specific enchantment from an item?

I.e. I have a sword with sharpness 3 and looting 3 but only want to remove the sharpness.

Here's a function I made to do this a bit ago
function removeEnch(i: item, e: enchantment):
  loop enchantments of {_i}:
    add "%loop-value% %level of loop-value of {_i}%" parsed as an enchantment type to {_e::*}
  disenchant {_i}
  loop {_e::*}:
    if "%loop-value%" does not contain "%{_e}%":
      enchant {_i} with loop-value
Here's a function I made to do this a bit ago
function removeEnch(i: item, e: enchantment):
  loop enchantments of {_i}:
    add "%loop-value% %level of loop-value of {_i}%" parsed as an enchantment type to {_e::*}
  disenchant {_i}
  loop {_e::*}:
    if "%loop-value%" does not contain "%{_e}%":
      enchant {_i} with loop-value
I don't know from which addon you got the enchantments of %itemstack% expression but it's not of vanilla Skript, you should tell him which addon haha.
this should work.
remove sharpness from player's tool
'sharpness' can't be removed from a slot because the former is neither an item type nor an item stack

Here's a function I made to do this a bit ago
function removeEnch(i: item, e: enchantment):
  loop enchantments of {_i}:
    add "%loop-value% %level of loop-value of {_i}%" parsed as an enchantment type to {_e::*}
  disenchant {_i}
  loop {_e::*}:
    if "%loop-value%" does not contain "%{_e}%":
      enchant {_i} with loop-value

Tried using this yet it seems to remove enchantments other than the one specified in the function. It also seems too not give the right levels back of other enchantments :/

Perhaps i'm using it wrong though

EDIT: I didn't indent the code in the right places, silly me
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