Prestige With Book

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May 11, 2020
Category: Miscellaneous

Suggested name:

Spigot/Skript Version: Whatever the Minehut default is.

What I want:
I want a script that when a [minecraft.]book (If name needs to be specific, it's &7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki) is right clicked, it will add 1 prestige to player, this number would be a suffix (&7[&f(number)&7] &f) that will be added onto every time a player prestiges starting at 0 (Suffix: &7[&f0&7] &f). If it matters, I am using GroupManager. Inventory will be cleared after 1 prestige used.

Ideas for commands: /prestigeset (player) (number) :: Admin command that will change prestige suffix to a specified number.

Ideas for permissions: (/prestigeset) prestige.prestigeset

When I'd like it by: No deadline because I can't even do it myself.
What do you mean by "suffix"? Like a suffix on the player's TAG name? Or TAB name? Or their CHAT name? How would you like the prestige value to be stored? Does another plugin need to know what prestige the player is at? More info please... <3
What do you mean by "suffix"? Like a suffix on the player's TAG name? Or TAB name? Or their CHAT name? How would you like the prestige value to be stored? Does another plugin need to know what prestige the player is at? More info please... <3
In their chat name really that's it. No other plugins are needed.
Ok but how are you preventing players from spamming right click with this book and getting infinite prestige points? Do you want the book to disappear on right click? I can make it so a command will give the player a book with one use. MORE INFO PLEASE
on join:
command /prestigebook [<player>]:
    give 1 of written book named "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki" to arg-1
on first join:
  set {prestige.%player's uuid%} to 0
on chat:
  set message format to "%player's display name% &7[&f%{prestige.%player's uuid%}%&7] &f: %message%"
on right click with written book:
  if name of tool of player is "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki":
    add 1 to {prestige.%player's uuid%}
    remove 1 written book named "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki" from player's inventory

Here is your skript
Ok but how are you preventing players from spamming right click with this book and getting infinite prestige points? Do you want the book to disappear on right click? I can make it so a command will give the player a book with one use. MORE INFO PLEASE
on join:
command /prestigebook [<player>]:
    give 1 of written book named "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki" to arg-1
on first join:
  set {prestige.%player's uuid%} to 0
on chat:
  set message format to "%player's display name% &7[&f%{prestige.%player's uuid%}%&7] &f: %message%"
on right click with written book:
  if name of tool of player is "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki":
    add 1 to {prestige.%player's uuid%}
    remove 1 written book named "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki" from player's inventory

Here is your skript

Sorry yes their inventory should clear completely after one use, thank you and I will test this.

EDIT: tested and the default for all players says [<none>] in chat, I am assuming it's because it wasn't their first joins, but how would I fix this? also the inventory does not clear. Thanks again for the help.
Last edited:
command /prestigebook [<player>]:
    give 1 of written book named "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki" to arg-1

on join:
  if {prestige.%player's uuid%} is not set:
    set {prestige.%player's uuid%} to 0

on chat:
  send "%player's display name% &7[&f%{prestige.%player's uuid%}%&7] &f: %message%" to player

on right click with written book:
  if name of tool of player is "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lWisdom &7&ki":
    send "&a>> You have &e&lPrestiged&a! <<"
    set {_t} to {prestige.%player's uuid%} +1
    send "      &7[&8%{prestige.%player's uuid%}%&7] --> &7[&a%{_t}%&7]"
    add 1 to {prestige.%player's uuid%}
    remove held item from player

You guys just want everything spoon fed, huh?