Please help/give advise

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Jan 9, 2024
skbee, skquery, skript-gui, skript-reflect

Issue: for some reason i can't seem to call {hemvaluedef::%player%} or {true::%player%} outside of the on player armor change: event

I'm still kind new to skript but to my understanding these are not local vars a local var would be soemthing like {_hemvaluedef::%player%} i oould be ver wrong tho


on player armor change:
    set {_item} to event-item

    if {_item} is a helmet:
        wait 1 tick
        set {hemvaluedef::%player%} to int tag "def" of nbt of {_item}
        set {hemvaluehp::%player%} to int tag "hp" of nbt of {_item}
        set {hemvaluestr::%player%} to int tag "str" of nbt of {_item}
        set {hemvaluecc::%player%} to int tag "cc" of nbt of {_item}
        set {hemvaluecd::%player%} to int tag "cd" of nbt of {_item}
        set {hemvaluemana::%player%} to int tag "mana" of nbt of {_item}
    if {_item} is air:
        set {hemvaluedef::%player%} to 0
        set {hemvaluehp::%player%} to 0
        set {hemvaluestr::%player%} to 0
        set {hemvaluecc::%player%} to 0
        set {hemvaluecd::%player%} to 0
        set {hemvaluemana::%player%} to 0
    set {true::%player%} to {hemvaluedef::%player%} + 1

on load:
    wait 20 tick
    broadcast "%{true::%player%}%"

Thank you very much for your time.
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So, what is the issue? You say: "Issue: for some reason i can seem to call {hemvaluedef::%player%} or {true::%player%} outside of the on player armor change: event." How is that an issue, being able to call them in another event?
So, what is the issue? You say: "Issue: for some reason i can seem to call {hemvaluedef::%player%} or {true::%player%} outside of the on player armor change: event." How is that an issue, being able to call them in another event?
i can't call them thats the issue my bad
i ment to say can't