Solved Place banner by command

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Active Member
May 26, 2017
I try to do the following: Place a banner at a position of a pointed block that I defined beforehand.

My actual code :
command /setloc:
        set {Game.Position::BANNER} to location of target block
        send "&a&l[✓] &fThe &bbanner has been successfully defined:"
        send "&7&o%{Game.Position::BANNER}%"
command /bb:
        set {_x} to x-coord of {Game.Position::BANNER}
        set {_y} to y-coord of {Game.Position::BANNER}
        set {_z} to z-coord of {Game.Position::BANNER}
        broadcast "%{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}%"
        wait 5 ticks
        execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% banner"

If possible I would like it to be without the use of execute console command, but I do not know if that is possible.

Thank's !
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to banner
Thank's, it works perfectly, but it is placed in the sky: It does not cling to the block

I'ts give this :

But i want :
As @Lego_freak1999 Said. Skript has a built in aliases system which can also define the rotation/data value of a block if it has multiple data values. It changes the data value of any block and what that changes varies on the block/material. You can fix what numbers change to what data value of the block it in your aliases if needed. This automatically works for every block/material no matter if it has a data value. You just have to play around with aliases to get what you want.

For default aliases this should work:
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to wall banner:1 #north
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to wall banner:3 #south
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to wall banner:4 #west
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to wall banner:5 #east

Don't ask why it skips the number 2. It's Skript lol. More like Skipt am I right? lol quality pun.

And if you want to calculate stuff live, I have also made a function to make this easier on a user.
function getDirectionalBlock(i: item, d: direction) :: item:
    set {_block::north} to 1
    set {_block::south} to 3
    set {_block::west} to 4
    set {_block::east} to 5
    return "%{_i}%:%{_block::%{_d}%}%" parsed as item
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to getDirectionalBlock(wall banner, west)

I have also made a function to get the opposing direction of a direction
function getOppositeDirection(d: direction) :: direction:
    set {_s} to "%{_d}%"
    loop {_s} split at "and":
        if {_direction} is not set:
            set {_direction} to "%numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number
            set {_final} to loop-value
        else if "%the numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number > {_direction}:
            set {_direction} to "%numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number
            set {_final} to loop-value
    if {_final} contains "north":
        return north
    else if {_final} contains "east":
        return east
    else if {_final} contains "south":
        return south
    else if {_final} contains "west":
        return west
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to getDirectionalBlock(wall banner, getOppositeDirection(facing of player))

This function above needs Skellett and if you want better directional I suggest using SkQuery for the "direction from" expression.

Example using SkQuery:
This example will make it so the chest block will always look at a player
function getOppositeDirection(d: direction) :: direction:
    set {_s} to "%{_d}%"
    loop {_s} split at "and":
        if {_direction} is not set:
            set {_direction} to "%numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number
            set {_final} to loop-value
        else if "%the numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number > {_direction}:
            set {_direction} to "%numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number
            set {_final} to loop-value
    if {_final} contains "north":
        return north
    else if {_final} contains "east":
        return east
    else if {_final} contains "south":
        return south
    else if {_final} contains "west":
        return west
function getDirectionalBlock(i: item, d: direction) :: item:
    set {_block::north} to 1
    set {_block::south} to 3
    set {_block::west} to 4
    set {_block::east} to 5
    return "%{_i}%:%{_block::%{_d}%}%" parsed as item
command /lookatme:
        set {_direction} to direction from target block to player
        set {_opposite} to getOppositeDirection({_direction})
        set {_block} to getDirectionalBlock(chest, {_opposite})
        set target block to {_block}

A banner block does have up to 8 different directional positions (Not the wall banner though) so you will have to play around with that, as my function doesn't support 8 dimensional sides.
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As @Lego_freak1999 Said. Skript has a built in aliases system which can also define the rotation/data value of a block if it has multiple data values. It changes the data value of any block and what that changes varies on the block/material. You can fix what numbers change to what data value of the block it in your aliases if needed. This automatically works for every block/material no matter if it has a data value. You just have to play around with aliases to get what you want.

For default aliases this should work:
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to wall banner:1 #north
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to wall banner:3 #south
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to wall banner:4 #west
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to wall banner:5 #east

Don't ask why it skips the number 2. It's Skript lol. More like Skipt am I right? lol quality pun.

And if you want to calculate stuff live, I have also made a function to make this easier on a user.
function getDirectionalBlock(i: item, d: direction) :: item:
    set {_block::north} to 1
    set {_block::south} to 3
    set {_block::west} to 4
    set {_block::east} to 5
    return "%{_i}%:%{_block::%{_d}%}%" parsed as item
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to getDirectionalBlock(wall banner, west)

I have also made a function to get the opposing direction of a direction
function getOppositeDirection(d: direction) :: direction:
    set {_s} to "%{_d}%"
    loop {_s} split at "and":
        if {_direction} is not set:
            set {_direction} to "%numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number
            set {_final} to loop-value
        else if "%the numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number > {_direction}:
            set {_direction} to "%numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number
            set {_final} to loop-value
    if {_final} contains "north":
        return north
    else if {_final} contains "east":
        return east
    else if {_final} contains "south":
        return south
    else if {_final} contains "west":
        return west
set block at {Game.Position::BANNER} to getDirectionalBlock(wall banner, getOppositeDirection(facing of player))

This function above needs Skellett and if you want better directional I suggest using SkQuery for the "direction from" expression.

Example using SkQuery:
This example will make it so the chest block will always look at a player
function getOppositeDirection(d: direction) :: direction:
    set {_s} to "%{_d}%"
    loop {_s} split at "and":
        if {_direction} is not set:
            set {_direction} to "%numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number
            set {_final} to loop-value
        else if "%the numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number > {_direction}:
            set {_direction} to "%numbers in loop-value%" parsed as number
            set {_final} to loop-value
    if {_final} contains "north":
        return north
    else if {_final} contains "east":
        return east
    else if {_final} contains "south":
        return south
    else if {_final} contains "west":
        return west
function getDirectionalBlock(i: item, d: direction) :: item:
    set {_block::north} to 1
    set {_block::south} to 3
    set {_block::west} to 4
    set {_block::east} to 5
    return "%{_i}%:%{_block::%{_d}%}%" parsed as item
command /lookatme:
        set {_direction} to direction from target block to player
        set {_opposite} to getOppositeDirection({_direction})
        set {_block} to getDirectionalBlock(chest, {_opposite})
        set target block to {_block}

A banner block does have up to 8 different directional positions (Not the wall banner though) so you will have to play around with that, as my function doesn't support 8 dimensional sides.

Thank you very much, you have done more than help me! :emoji_slight_smile:
Thank's for this function !
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