Parrticle arcs

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Feb 26, 2024
Elmo's world
Exactly as the title. I am having a lot of trouble with particle arcs, slash effects, slices, and other things that require, well, curves.

I've seen a lot of interesting things with bezier curves, huge slice effects, etc, and I'm having trouble recreating the kind of smooth curves I see. Vectors? Block looping? No clue, despite what I've tried.
It's weird to see you having a problem.
This is my third ever skript-help post and none of them have ever been answered lol

But yeah, although I'm familiar with the math for bezier curves I am struggling with the code for doing that in Skript.

I suppose I could just take the math and make skript run it so I can better visualize it?
have you tried simple y = mx + b?
you could calculate the cumulative distance between three input points and plug it into that equation
you could also try to use point slope maybe?
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y = mx + b is the equation to find the slope of a line. This has nothing to do with a curve iirc.

Could work though, I'll talk to my math friend about this.
my idea with y = mx + b was to start at an origin point and use the slope to count outwards. then store all the values in a list to offset from a location given in a world to get a list of points to generate particles at.

like this
but if you ever figure it out I would love to know how