Ore Gen

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The Phill

Active Member
Jun 17, 2020
Category: Ore Generator

Suggested name:Custom Gen

Spigot/Skript Version: Newest

What I want:
A script that simulates an ore generator. So when a cobblestone generator makes cobblestone it has a chance to be relaced with an ore. I have seen a few of these that are a few years old but none of them seem to work.

Ideas for commands:

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by:
I just want it soon. I'm not in a big rush to get it but I would like to have it.
Last edited:
on form of cobblestone:
chance of 80%:
set the event-block to coal ore

You can create a list of variables and loop the variables if you want it to be random every time, idk.
Category: Ore Generator

Suggested name:Custom Gen

Spigot/Skript Version: Newest

What I want:
A script that simulates an ore generator. So when a cobblestone generator makes cobblestone it has a chance to be relaced with an ore. I have seen a few of these that are a few years old but none of them seem to work.

Ideas for commands:

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by:
I just want it soon. I'm not in a big rush to get it but I would like to have it.
I made one is personal but you can use the code to take ideas
on block form of cobblestone:
    chance of 10%:
        set event-block to grass
    chance of 10%:
        set event-block to gravel
    chance of 10%:
        set event-block to sand
    chance of 10%:
        set event-block to mycelium
on block form of stone:
    chance of 0.8%:
        set event-block to diamond ore
    chance of 3%:
        set event-block to gold ore
    chance of 5%:
        set event-block to iron ore
    chance of 10%:
        set event-block to coal ore
    chance of 0.5%:
        set event-block to emerald ore
    chance of 1.2%:
        set event-block to redstone ore
    chance of 1.2%:
        set event-block to lapis lazuli ore