Need help with block break

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Jun 23, 2023
command /sethack farmlands:
if player has permission "tas.admin":
if targeted block is light blue stained glass:
if {farmland::%location of targeted block%} is not set:

set {_loc} to location of targeted block

set {farmland::%{_loc}%} to {_loc}

message "&7Inserting hacking module."
message "&e&l(!)&7 Command not found."

on break of light blue stained glass:
if location of event block = {farmland::%{_loc}%}
cancel event
message "&7Inserting hacking module."
this is supposed to detect the block break in that coordinate
this is supposed to detect the block break in that coordinate
Your issue is the type of variable you use. Specifically the {_loc} one. Since it's a local variable, it won't save that info outside of the code that it's used for. To fix this I would recommend looking into the different types of variables that Skript offers and deciding which one would be best for your code.
Your issue is the type of variable you use. Specifically the {_loc} one. Since it's a local variable, it won't save that info outside of the code that it's used for. To fix this I would recommend looking into the different types of variables that Skript offers and deciding which one would be best for your code.
now made it global but still doesnt work