Minigame Timer

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Feb 18, 2017
Hey guys, I am working on my own minigame for my server network.
Now its almost done I only need a timer that the game automaticly ends after an amount of time.
How can i do that and display the remaining play time in a scorebord as variable
When your mini-game starts do

set {timer} to 300
300 is basically an integer in seconds, so your mini-game would last 5 minutes.

Then for countdown >

every 1 second:
    if {timer} isn't 0:
        subtract 1 from {timer}
        send "Game has stopped!"
        # Code Here


# Mini-Game Code Above
while {timerenable} is true:
    subtract 1 from {timer}
    if {timer} is 0:
        set {timerenable} to false

and for scoreboard

Require skRayFall
set name of sidebar of player to "&cMini-Games"
set score "&aTime: &c%{_timer}%s&a LEFT." in sidebar of player to 1
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When your mini-game starts do

set {timer} to 300
300 is basically an integer in seconds, so your mini-game would last 5 minutes.

Then for countdown >

every 1 second:
    if {timer} isn't 0:
        subtract 1 from {timer}
        send "Game has stopped!"
        # Code Here


# Mini-Game Code Above
while {timerenable} is true:
    subtract 1 from {timer}
    if {timer} is 0:
        set {timerenable} to false

and for scoreboard

Require skRayFall
set name of sidebar of player to "&cMini-Games"
set score "&aTime: &c%{_timer}%s&a LEFT." in sidebar of player to 1
Thanks, but is it maybe possible to display the time in minutes and seconds?
this should work
every 1 second:
    loop all players:
        if {Ingame.%loop-player%} is true:
            wipe loop-player's sidebar
            set name of sidebar of loop-player to "Example"
            set score "%difference between {_Timer} and 10 minutes%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1

        if difference between {_Timer} and now is more than 10 minutes:
            # end code
# Minigame code above
set {_Timer} to now
Recently I created this, you can use it if want:
function cDown(am: number):
    if {_am} is 180:
        set {time} to "03:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 120:
        set {time} to "02:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 60:
        set {time} to "01:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 30:
        set {time} to "00:30"
        set {_w} to 31
    else if {_am} is 10:
        set {time} to "00:10"
        set {_w} to 51
    wait 1 second
    loop {_am}-1 times:
        if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 120:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "02:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "02:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am}-loop-number is 120:
            set {time} to "02:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 60:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "01:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "01:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am}-loop-number is 60:
            set {time} to "01:00"
            set {_w} to 0
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "00:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "00:%60-{_w}%"
        add 1 to {_w}
        wait 1 second
Recently I created this, you can use it if want:
function cDown(am: number):
    if {_am} is 180:
        set {time} to "03:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 120:
        set {time} to "02:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 60:
        set {time} to "01:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 30:
        set {time} to "00:30"
        set {_w} to 31
    else if {_am} is 10:
        set {time} to "00:10"
        set {_w} to 51
    wait 1 second
    loop {_am}-1 times:
        if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 120:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "02:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "02:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am}-loop-number is 120:
            set {time} to "02:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 60:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "01:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "01:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am}-loop-number is 60:
            set {time} to "01:00"
            set {_w} to 0
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "00:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "00:%60-{_w}%"
        add 1 to {_w}
        wait 1 second
How do you like set the {_am} when calling a function? And how do you call it?
function countDown(am: number):
    if {_am} is 30:
        set {time} to "00:30"
        set {_w} to 31
    else if {_am} is 10:
        set {time} to "00:10"
        set {_w} to 51
    wait 1 second
    loop {_am}-1 times:
        if {_w} is greater than 50:
            set {time} to "00:0%60-{_w}%"
            set {time} to "00:%60-{_w}%"
        add 1 to {_w}
        wait 1 second
if {time} is "00:15":
    broadcast "Something"
So I've made something like this and it doesn't work, like it doesn't reduce the time at all, it just keeps on 00:30. Can I get help for this please? Maybe @TheIronMinerLv
@dudle First of all your minigame probably will have some kind of "stop" state, so you should create that function will stop in case of game stop... I'll give you an example:

command /startg:
        broadcast "The game is going to start in 30 seconds"
        #next lines is if you want some action after this countdown
        wait 30 seconds
        {game.status} is not "stop"    #check if game is still running
        broadcast "The game is ended with a tie!"

#It depends on your game, here I created a command which will stop the countdown

command /stopg:
        set {game.status} to "stop"
        broadcast "The game has been stopped!"

function countDown(am: number):
    if {_am} is 30:
        set {time} to "00:30"
        set {_w} to 31
    else if {_am} is 10:
        set {time} to "00:10"
        set {_w} to 51
    wait 1 second
    loop {_am}-1 times:
        if {game.status} is "stop":
        if {_w} is greater than 50:
            set {time} to "00:0%60-{_w}%"
            set {time} to "00:%60-{_w}%"
        if {time} is "00:15":
            broadcast "Something"
        add 1 to {_w}
        wait 1 second
@dudle First of all your minigame probably will have some kind of "stop" state, so you should create that function will stop in case of game stop... I'll give you an example:

command /startg:
        broadcast "The game is going to start in 30 seconds"
        #next lines is if you want some action after this countdown
        wait 30 seconds
        {game.status} is not "stop"    #check if game is still running
        broadcast "The game is ended with a tie!"

#It depends on your game, here I created a command which will stop the countdown

command /stopg:
        set {game.status} to "stop"
        broadcast "The game has been stopped!"

function countDown(am: number):
    if {_am} is 30:
        set {time} to "00:30"
        set {_w} to 31
    else if {_am} is 10:
        set {time} to "00:10"
        set {_w} to 51
    wait 1 second
    loop {_am}-1 times:
        if {game.status} is "stop":
        if {_w} is greater than 50:
            set {time} to "00:0%60-{_w}%"
            set {time} to "00:%60-{_w}%"
        if {time} is "00:15":
            broadcast "Something"
        add 1 to {_w}
        wait 1 second
Yeah I have that, but I also want to have multiple game statutes, and different countdowns, so for example pre-game would be like 10 sec, game 3 mins, end would be 10 sec. Do I need to use different functions for each state, or just one? How, can you help me, please?
Yeah I have that, but I also want to have multiple game statutes, and different countdowns, so for example pre-game would be like 10 sec, game 3 mins, end would be 10 sec. Do I need to use different functions for each state, or just one? How, can you help me, please?
You can use multiple functions, it will be easier for you.
[doublepost=1497516320,1497441940][/doublepost]Here you go:
function countdownGame(am: number):
    if {_am} is 900:
        set {time} to "15:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 840:
        set {time} to "14:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 780:
        set {time} to "13:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 720:
        set {time} to "12:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 660:
        set {time} to "11:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 600:
        set {time} to "10:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 540:
        set {time} to "09:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 480:
        set {time} to "08:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 420:
        set {time} to "07:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 360:
        set {time} to "06:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 300:
        set {time} to "05:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 240:
        set {time} to "04:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 180:
        set {time} to "03:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 120:
        set {time} to "02:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 60:
        set {time} to "01:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 30:
        set {time} to "00:30"
        set {_w} to 31
    else if {_am} is 10:
        set {time} to "00:10"
        set {_w} to 51
    wait 1 second
    loop {_am}-1 times:
        if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 900:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "15:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "15:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 900:
            set {time} to "15:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 840:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "14:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "14:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 840:
            set {time} to "14:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 780:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "13:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "13:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 780:
            set {time} to "13:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 720:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "12:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "12:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 720:
            set {time} to "12:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 660:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "11:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "11:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 660:
            set {time} to "11:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 600:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "10:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "10:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 600:
            set {time} to "10:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 540:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "09:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "09:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 540:
            set {time} to "09:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 480:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "08:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "08:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 480:
            set {time} to "08:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 420:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "07:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "07:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 420:
            set {time} to "07:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 360:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "06:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "06:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 360:
            set {time} to "06:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 300:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "05:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "05:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 300:
            set {time} to "05:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 240:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "04:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "04:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 240:
            set {time} to "04:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 180:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "03:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "03:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 180:
            set {time} to "03:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 120:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "02:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "02:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 120:
            set {time} to "02:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 60:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "01:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "01:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am}-loop-number is 60:
            set {time} to "01:00"
            set {_w} to 0
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "00:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "00:%60-{_w}%"
        add 1 to {_w}
        wait 1 second
        if {time} is "00:01":
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&c&lOVER"
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You can use multiple functions, it will be easier for you.
[doublepost=1497516320,1497441940][/doublepost]Here you go:
function countdownGame(am: number):
    if {_am} is 900:
        set {time} to "15:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 840:
        set {time} to "14:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 780:
        set {time} to "13:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 720:
        set {time} to "12:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 660:
        set {time} to "11:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 600:
        set {time} to "10:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 540:
        set {time} to "09:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 480:
        set {time} to "08:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 420:
        set {time} to "07:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 360:
        set {time} to "06:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 300:
        set {time} to "05:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 240:
        set {time} to "04:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 180:
        set {time} to "03:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 120:
        set {time} to "02:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 60:
        set {time} to "01:00"
        set {_w} to 1
    else if {_am} is 30:
        set {time} to "00:30"
        set {_w} to 31
    else if {_am} is 10:
        set {time} to "00:10"
        set {_w} to 51
    wait 1 second
    loop {_am}-1 times:
        if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 900:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "15:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "15:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 900:
            set {time} to "15:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 840:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "14:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "14:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 840:
            set {time} to "14:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 780:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "13:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "13:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 780:
            set {time} to "13:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 720:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "12:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "12:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 720:
            set {time} to "12:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 660:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "11:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "11:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 660:
            set {time} to "11:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 600:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "10:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "10:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 600:
            set {time} to "10:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 540:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "09:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "09:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 540:
            set {time} to "09:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 480:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "08:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "08:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 480:
            set {time} to "08:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 420:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "07:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "07:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 420:
            set {time} to "07:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 360:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "06:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "06:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 360:
            set {time} to "06:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 300:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "05:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "05:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 300:
            set {time} to "05:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 240:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "04:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "04:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 240:
            set {time} to "04:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 180:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "03:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "03:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 180:
            set {time} to "03:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 120:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "02:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "02:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am} is 120:
            set {time} to "02:00"
            set {_w} to 0
        else if {_am}-loop-number is greater than 60:
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "01:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "01:%60-{_w}%"
        else if {_am}-loop-number is 60:
            set {time} to "01:00"
            set {_w} to 0
            if {_w} is greater than 50:
                set {time} to "00:0%60-{_w}%"
                set {time} to "00:%60-{_w}%"
        add 1 to {_w}
        wait 1 second
        if {time} is "00:01":
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&c&lOVER"
It continuously spams "15:00" ;-;
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