Discord Thread Luckperms Tab

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Ok so to make the tablistr for the players name you must do set tablist name od player to "%luckperms-group %player%" i dont know if %luckperms-group% is the correct placerholder but you should be able to find that
and if you want to sort tablist
from my knowledge you must use packets to sort the groups

Posted by: peninja from the skUnity Discord.
for sorting the tablist, you can use SkBee's teams (https://www.github.com/ShaneBeee/SkBee/wiki)

For the name of the player, you'd need an addon that supports LuckPerms, or you can use PlaceholderAPI, skript-placeholders, and the LuckPerms papi expansion and use luckperms_highest_group (check the papi wiki) to get the highest group of the player and add them to the team.
side-note, this is not the server to be asking for handouts. go to Minehut if you want that

Posted by: tobyminceraft from the skUnity Discord.
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