Lore error (Crashes the server)

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Nov 2, 2019

I was creating skript named KnockStar
that knocks players around the player

I have a problem with setting lore
when I set lore with
' with lore "" ' condition my server crashes.
Here is the server log:

Here is the code
command /knockstar [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
    aliases: /ks
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "" to sender
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "reload":
                make console execute command "sk reload KnockStar"
                send "&6&m-*+*&8&m---------&e&m---+---&8&m---------&6&m*+*-" to sender
                send "&6&lKnock&f&lStar &f- &e1.0" to sender
                send "  &6&lAuthor: &fGlitch0_" to sender
                send "  &6&lStatus: &fRunning"
                send "&6&m-*+*&8&m---------&e&m---+---&8&m---------&6&m*+*-" to sender
            if arg-1 is "give":
                if arg-2 is not set:
                    send "&6&lBolty &8» &fPlease set player to give &8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]!" to sender
                    send "&6&lBolty &8» &6/items <give,reload> <player> <item>&f!" to sender
                if arg-2 is set:
                    if arg-3 is set:
                        set {_test} to "nether star" parsed as item
                        give arg-2 arg-4 of {_test} named "&8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]" with lore "&8&m-|----------------------|-||&f&lWhen you click right click,||&f&lplayer around you within 5 blocks||&f&lwill be knocked backwards.||&8&m-|----------------------|-"
                        send "&6&lBolty &8» &fYou received &6%arg-3% &fof &8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]" to arg-2
                        if sender is not arg-2:
                            send "&6&lBolty &8» &6%arg-2% &frecieved &6%arg-3% &fof &8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]" to sender
                    if arg-3 is not set:
                        give arg-2 nether star named "&8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]" with lore "&8&m-|----------------------|-||&f&lWhen you click right click,||&f&lplayer around you within 5 blocks||&f&lwill be knocked backwards.||&8&m-|----------------------|-"
                        send "&6&lBolty &8» &fYou recived &8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]" to arg-2
                        if arg-2 is not sender:
                            send "&6&lBolty &8» &6%arg-2% &frecived &8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]" to sender
            else if arg-1 is not "reload" or "rl" or "gv" or "give":
                send "&6&lBolty &8» &6&lINVALID SYNTAX" to sender
                send "&6&lBolty &8» &e/kn <give,reload> <player> [amount]" to sender

on rightclick holding nether star:
    name of tool is "&8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]":
        loop players in radius 5 around player:
            push loop-player upwards with speed 0.4
            wait tick
            push loop-player backwards with speed 1
            remove 1 nether star named "&8[&6&lKnock&f&lStar&8]" with lore "&8&m-|----------------------|-||&f&lWhen you click right click,||&f&lplayer around you within 5 blocks||&f&lwill be knocked backwards.||&8&m-|----------------------|-" from the player

The problem is on line 21 and line 26,
when I add that lore condition the server crashes.
Can anyone help me?

Skript Version: Skript 2.1.2
Skript Author: Njol (I think)
Minecraft Version: 1.8
Addons using:
SkRayFall v1.9.18, skQuery v3.0.0-SNAPSHOT, WildSkript v1.8,

((Sorry for my bad english))
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