Discord Thread Level System

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
on first join:
    set {level::%player's uuid%} to 0

on break of wheat[age=7]:
    add 1 to {xp::%player's uuid%}
    send action bar "&a+1 &6exp" to player
    if {lvreq::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        if {xp::%player's uuid%} > 100:
            set {lvreq1::%player's uuid%} to 1
            add 1 to {level::%player's uuid%}
            send title "&6You have leveled up to level &c%{level::%player's uuid%}%"
            set {xp::%player's uuid%} to 0
    if {lvreq1::%player's uuid%} = 1:
        if {xp::%player's uuid%} > 200:
            add 1 to {lvreq1::%player's uuid%}
            add 1 to {level::%player's uuid%}
            send title "&6You have leveled up to level &c%{level::%player's uuid%}%"
            set {xp::%player's uuid%} to 0
    if {lvreq::%player's uuid%} = 2:
        if {xp::%player's uuid%} > 300:
            add 1 to {lvreq1::%player's uuid%}
            add 1 to {level::%player's uuid%}
            send title "&6You have leveled up to level &c%{level::%player's uuid%}%"
            set {xp::%player's uuid%} to 0
    if {lvreq::%player's uuid%} = 3:
        if {xp::%player's uuid%} > 400:
            add 1 to {lvreq1::%player's uuid%}
            add 1 to {level::%player's uuid%}
            send title "&6You have leveled up to level &c%{level::%player's uuid%}%"
            set {xp::%player's uuid%} to 0
    if {lvreq::%player's uuid%} = 4:
        if {xp::%player's uuid%} > 500:
            add 1 to {lvreq::%player's uuid%}
            add 1 to {level::%player's uuid%}
            send title "&6You have leveled up to level &c%{level::%player's uuid%}%"
            set {xp::%player's uuid%} to 0
how to i make this actually work

Posted by: robstark1 from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
also he is setting it to 0 which is bad he should just remove the xp requirement because lets say he gets 100 xp and he goes from 487 to 587 now he just lost 87 xp

Posted by: .samgomez from the skUnity Discord.
I actually did it in 6 lines
you were right
function levelup(p: player):
  set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid
  if {xp::%{_uuid}%} >= {xpmax::%{_uuid}%}:
    remove {xpmax::%{_uuid}%} from {xp::%{_uuid}%}
    add 1 to {Level::%{_uuid}%}
    add 100 to {xpmax::%{_uuid}%}
6 lines

Posted by: .samgomez from the skUnity Discord.
i counted the line send "you leveled up" to player
i just used {_p}'s uuid and didnt waste a line setting {_uuid}
{xp::%player's uuid%} >= 100 * {level::%player's uuid%}
on break of wheat[age=7]:
  add 1 to {xp::%player's uuid%}
  {xp::%player's uuid%} >= 100 * {level::%player's uuid%}
  add 1 to {level::%player's uuid%}
  # send "&6You have leveled up to level &c%{level::%player's uuid%}%" to player
  remove 100 * {level::%player's uuid%} from {xp::%player's uuid%}

Posted by: x8ight from the skUnity Discord.
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