Discord Thread Is it possible to somehow prevent these particles from shooting in every direction of the world?

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
set {_p} to player
        set {_loc} to location of player
        loop 50 times:
            set {_loc} to location 0.5 meters in front of {_loc}
            add {_loc} to {_locations::*}
        loop 50 times:
            add 1 to {_num}
            drawSphere 1, particle "flame", speed 1, center {_locations::%{_num}%}, id "flamewand_%{_p}%_%{_num}%", radius 1, density 1000, visibleRange 100

Posted by: _grifin_ from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
works, but do you have any idea how to make it faster and smoother?
        set {_p} to player
        set {_loc} to location of player
        loop 50 times:
            set {_loc} to location 0.3 meters in front of {_loc}
            add {_loc} to {_locations::*}
        loop 50 times:
            add 1 to {_num}
            drawSphere 4, particle "flame", speed 0, center {_locations::%{_num}%}, id "flamewand_%{_p}%_%{_num}%", radius 0.5, density 100, visibleRange 100
            wait tick
            stopEffect id "flamewand_%{_p}%_%{_num}%"

Posted by: _grifin_ from the skUnity Discord.
experimented, managed to increase the speed and it runs a little smoother, but still sometimes there is a hole in the particles, as if it stole 4 ticks
        set {_p} to player
        set {_loc} to location of player
        loop 25 times:
            set {_loc} to location 1 block in front of {_loc}
            add {_loc} to {_loka::*}
        loop 25 times:
            add 1 to {_num}
            drawSphere 1, particle "flame", speed 0, center {_loka::%{_num}%}, id "OgienX_%{_p}%_%{_num}%", radius 0.5, density 50, visibleRange 100
            wait tick
            stopEffect id "OgienX_%{_p}%_%{_num}%"
current code

Posted by: _grifin_ from the skUnity Discord.
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