I need help with lists

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Mar 9, 2018
Hungary, Debrecen
So I want to create a list that stores signs location. But I don't no how to remove a specify sign location. So I need a help.

There is my code of the sign place:
on sign change:
    if line 1 is "[Buy]":
        if line 2 is set:
            if line 3 is set:
                if line 4 is set:
                    set {_q} to "%uncolored line 2%" parsed as a integer
                    set {_i} to "%uncolored line 3%" parsed as a item
                    set {_p} to "%uncolored line 4%" parsed as a number
                    replace all "$" with "" in {_p}
                    set line 1 to "&2[Buy]"
                    set line 2 to "&0%{_q}%"
                    set line 3 to "&0%{_i}%"
                    set line 4 to "&a$%{_p}%"
                    add location of event-block to {sign.buy.locations::*}
                    broadcast "%{sign.buy.locations::*}%"
And this is the remove code:
on break:
    if event-block is a sign:
        if location of event-block is {sign.buy.location::*}:
            remove loop-value from {sign.buy.location::*}

Sorry bad english, and thanks for helping me!
At the delete part, you have to check if the list contains the location of the event sign
That is not a correct check as it won't work when you have more values on the list. You have to loop the list, check if the loop value is the sign location and then delete it
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