How to check player at surface

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Feb 9, 2024
How to check is player at surface?

on consume of apple:
  if name of event-item is "§cThe apple of Zeus":

    #if player on surface? how check if a player
    #is in a mine or if there is a block above his head?
    strike lightning at the player
    send "§aYou feel electrified." to player
maybe make a region that is on surface and only let the boss be there and use
if event-region is (your region):
    strike lightning at player
maybe make a region that is on surface and only let the boss be there and use
if event-region is (your region):
    strike lightning at player
this solution will not work, since this script is used for custom item and it isn't possible to make regions everywhere at surface.
This solution should work, if you don't want the event to cancel just delete that line, and of course, edit the message to your will.

on consume of apple:
  if name of event-item is "§cThe apple of Zeus":

    block above player is not air:
        strike lightning at the player
        send "§aYou feel electrified." to player
        message "&cThe ceiling above blocks the power of Zeus"
        cancel event
Code untested unless stated otherwise.
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This solution should work, if you don't want the event to cancel just delete that line, and of course, edit the message to your will.

on consume of apple:
  if name of event-item is "§cThe apple of Zeus":

    block above player is not air:
        strike lightning at the player
        send "§aYou feel electrified." to player
        message "&cThe ceiling above blocks the power of Zeus"
        cancel event
Code untested unless stated otherwise.
how check ALL the blocks above the player's head?
i.e. loop all blocks above the player , like.... loop a column of blocks above the player's head?
how check ALL the blocks above the player's head?
i.e. loop all blocks above the player , like.... loop a column of blocks above the player's head?
I normally use this:
set {_y1} to block 20 blocks above player #change this number to make the column taller
set {_y2} to block above player
loop blocks between {_y1} and {_y2}:
    #rest of code
but I think this might also work:
loop blocks between block above player and block 20 blocks above player:
    #rest of code

The first one works, however, the second, I haven't tested.
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