Help with placeholders

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Feb 10, 2021
Skript Version: 2.5.3
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
Full Code:

Code (Skript):

set {_prefix} to placeholder "player_level" # placeholder "%%player_level%%" is also valid

command /skills:
set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "&c&lSkills"
set slot 13 of {_gui} to red stained glass pane named "&7&l%%player%%" with lore "%{_prefix}%"
open {_gui} to player

on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&c&lSkills":
if index of event-slot = 13:
cancel event
send "%{_prefix}%"

Errors on Reload:

Code (Skript):

invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (, line 1: set {_prefix} to placeholder "player_level"# placerholder "%%player_level%%" is also valid')

Console Errors: (if applicable)

Code (Skript):

  1. got no console error

Other Useful Info:

Addons using (including versions):


Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? No
What other methods have you tried to fix it? I have tried to google it but nothing showed anything helpful
Skript already told you - you can't just have a single command, there must be a trigger = event / command / ...
You may use "on load" event:
on load:
    set variable to your placeholder
[doublepost=1612962534,1612961928][/doublepost]oops! almost forgot... you can't set a variable starting with _ in there.- i would suggest to put it right into the "on inventory click event":
on inventory click:
    name of event-inventory is "&c&lSkills"
    index of event-slot = 13
    cancel event
    set {_prefix} to placeholder "player_level" from player
    send "%{_prefix}%"
sorry im new to scripting so i just needed some help
[doublepost=1613001043,1613000488][/doublepost]Darn it i tryed what u say but i just cant figure it out. Im so bad at life lol. This is asking for alot but could u just msg me the skript that would work. Really sorry but i started scripting last week. )=
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