From %arg-1% to string

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Jun 24, 2017
So i wanna make a practise plugin. I want to make so i can /<command> list and all arenas i create will be shown in a gui. It is hard and i dont get how i could do this. bcs if i do %arenalists::%arg-2% that doesn't know what arg 2 is in that sentence please help.

if arg-1 is "create":
set {arena.%arg-2%} to true
send "&c&lPractise &c>> &c%arg-2% &9has been created!"
set {arena.%arg-2%} to {arenalists::%arg-2%}
if arg-1 is "list":
open chest with 2 rows named "&8Arenas" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with barrier named "&c%arenalists::%arg-2%" to close then run
command /practise [<text>][<text>][<text>]:
permission: admin.practise
permission message: &c&lError
aliases: /p
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&9 &c&lPractise help&9 " to player
send "" to player
send "&9/p create &c[MapName] &7: Creates the arena." to player
send "&9/p setspawn &c[MAPNAME] [1 - 2] &7: Sets the spawnpoint on each side of the arena." to player
send "&9/p spawn &c[Kiteditor / spawn]&7: Sets the spawnpoint on every player." to player
send "&9/p event &c[EventName] &7: Creates an event! use /events to check every events!" to player
send "&9/p editchest &c[1 - 2] &7: Gives u a chest to place to set the kit editor chests." to player
send "&9/p list &7: Check every arena's name!" to player
if arg-1 is "create":
set {arena.%arg-2%} to true
send "&c&lPractise &c>> &c%arg-2% &9has been created!"
make player execute "/arenalist %arg-2%"
if arg-1 is "list":
open chest with 2 rows named "&8Arena list" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with grass named "&c%arena-1%" to close then run
command /practise [<text>][<text>][<text>]:
permission: admin.practise
permission message: &c&lError
aliases: /p
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&9 &c&lPractise help&9 " to player
send "" to player
send "&9/p create &c[MapName] &7: Creates the arena." to player
send "&9/p setspawn &c[MAPNAME] [1 - 2] &7: Sets the spawnpoint on each side of the arena." to player
send "&9/p spawn &c[Kiteditor / spawn]&7: Sets the spawnpoint on every player." to player
send "&9/p event &c[EventName] &7: Creates an event! use /events to check every events!" to player
send "&9/p editchest &c[1 - 2] &7: Gives u a chest to place to set the kit editor chests." to player
send "&9/p list &7: Check every arena's name!" to player
if arg-1 is "create":
set {arena.%arg-2%} to true
send "&c&lPractise &c>> &c%arg-2% &9has been created!"
make player execute "/arenalist %arg-2%"
if arg-1 is "list":
open chest with 2 rows named "&8Arena list" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with grass named "&c%arena-1%" to close then run
Awesome thanks, Ok I'm just going thru this in my code, curious, did you do this on purpose
"format slot 0 of player with grass named "&c%arena-1%" to close then run"
Because arena-1 is not a proper expression. Was it meant to be arg-1?

Also, after "to close and run" you need to put a command in there,
"format slot %number% of %players% with %item stack% to close then run %text%"
something like
"to close and run "/some command"
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