"every 1 minute" Outputting an error

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Oct 5, 2020
So basically, I'm trying to make a code to where every 1 minute the border expands by a certain amount.
The only thing that doesn't work is the "every 1 minute" part, and for some reason, that doesn't work.

Skript Version: 2.4 (or at least that's what i heard it is, as i'm doing this on the server-hoster Minehut)
MC Version: 1.16.3

command /expborder toggle:
    description: Start/stop the expansion of the border.
    permission: skript.border
    permission message: "You don't have the permission to start or stop the expansion."
        if {expborder} is false:
            set {expborder} to true
            broadcast "&9SMPborder &7>> &r%player% has started the expansion."
            set {expborder} to false
            broadcast "&9SMPborder &7>> &r%player% has stopped the expansion."
        every 1 minute

Can't understand this condition/effect: every 1 minute
So basically, I'm trying to make a code to where every 1 minute the border expands by a certain amount.
The only thing that doesn't work is the "every 1 minute" part, and for some reason, that doesn't work.

Skript Version: 2.4 (or at least that's what i heard it is, as i'm doing this on the server-hoster Minehut)
MC Version: 1.16.3

command /expborder toggle:
    description: Start/stop the expansion of the border.
    permission: skript.border
    permission message: "You don't have the permission to start or stop the expansion."
        if {expborder} is false:
            set {expborder} to true
            broadcast "&9SMPborder &7>> &r%player% has started the expansion."
            set {expborder} to false
            broadcast "&9SMPborder &7>> &r%player% has stopped the expansion."
        every 1 minute
You cant put every anytime inside a command
You cant put every anytime inside a command
Then how is it supposed to be used?
Sorry about that, I don't really know much about skript, as this was a one-time thing for my server that had to be done to make the idea work.
Then how is it supposed to be used?
Sorry about that, I don't really know much about skript, as this was a one-time thing for my server that had to be done to make the idea work.
What is the minimum and the maximum border size? I need to know to fix this code for you
Sorry for teh bump
command /expborder toggle:
    description: Start/stop the expansion of the border.
    permission: skript.border
    permission message: "You don't have the permission to start or stop the expansion."
        if {expborder} is false:
            set {expborder} to true
            broadcast "&9SMPborder &7>> &r%player% has started the expansion."
            set {expborder} to false
            broadcast "&9SMPborder &7>> &r%player% has stopped the expansion."
        set {bar} to 1

every 1 minute:
  if {bar} is 1:
    # do dis
    # do dat
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