Solved Errors after updating from v2.2-dev28c to v2.2-dev37c

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Feb 25, 2017
After I updated the skript from v2.2-dev28c to v2.2-dev37c the plugin won't start and I had to remove some of the addons because it seems that they are built in in the new version. Addons are: SkAction-2.2, skQuery 2.2, skRayFall_v1.9.7
After this changes my skripts got a lot of errors, some of them I fixed by myself but there are others that I can't fix.

1st: Can't understand this condition/effect: open chest with 3 row named "&c&lTrash" to player
command /trash:
        open chest with 3 row named "&c&lTrash" to player

2nd: Can't understand this condition/effect: send arg-1 title "&4&l%arg 2%" with subtitle "&l%arg 3%" for 3 seconds
command /alert [<offlineplayer>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: alert
    permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to that command
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    send arg-1 title "&4&l%arg 2%" with subtitle "&l%arg 3%" for 3 seconds
                    send "&7&l[&4&lAlert&7&l]&7&l%arg 3%" to arg-1
                    send "&c&lSuccessfully alerted &a&l%arg-1%&c&l!" to player
                    send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
                send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
            send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
        if arg 1 is "*" or "**":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    send all players title "&4&l%arg 2%" with subtitle "&l%arg 3%" for 3 seconds
                    broadcast "&7&l[&4&lAlert&7&l]&7&l %arg 3%"
                    send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
                send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
3rd: the 1st argument is already a text, so you should not put it in one (e.g. the 1st argument instead of "%the 1st argument%") - this is a warn
 command /console [<text>]:
    aliases: terminal
    permission message: Unknown command. Type ''/help'' for help.
        if arg 1 is set:
            execute console command "%the 1st argument%"
            send "&7&l/console <command>"
4th: Parsing as text is useless as only things that are already text may be parsed
    prefix: &f&l[&b&lCMDSpy&f&l]
    blacklisted_command: login; authme; changepassword; register; l; reg; msg; m; tell; t; whisper; w; r; ac; helpop; amsg; a; report
on command:
    set {_bl} to "{@blacklisted_command}"
    set {_blacklist::*} to "%{_bl}%"  parsed as string split at "; " parsed as string
    loop {_blacklist::*}:
        loop-value is command
    if command's executor is a player:
        loop {commandspy.command::*}:
            if loop-value is player:
                stop trigger
                message "{@prefix} &e&l%player% &7&l>> &d&l/%full command%" to loop-value
        stop trigger

command /commandspy [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /cmdspy
    permission: commandspy
    permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to that command
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if {commandspy.%player%} is true:
                    remove player from {commandspy.command::*}
                    set {commandspy.%player%} to false
                    message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &c&ldisabled&7&l!"
                    add player to {commandspy.command::*}
                    set {commandspy.%player%} to true
                    message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &a&lenabled&7&l!"
        if arg-1 is not online:
            message "{@prefix} &7&lYou must specify an online player!"
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if player has permission "commandspy.others":
                    if {commandspy.%arg-1%} is true:
                        remove arg-1 from {commandspy.command::*}
                        set {commandspy.%arg-1%} to false
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &c&ldisabled &7&lfor &c&l%arg-1%&7&l!"
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &c&ldisabled&7&l!" to arg-1
                        add arg-1 to {commandspy.command::*}
                        set {commandspy.%arg-1%} to true
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &a&lenabled &7&lfor &a&l%arg-1%&7&l!"
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &a&lenabled&7&l!" to arg-1
                    send "&4&lYou do not have access to that command"
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is "check":
                if player has permission "commandspy.check":
                    if {commandspy.%arg-1%} is true:
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy is &a&lenabled &7&lfor &a&l%arg-1%&7&l." to player
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy is &c&ldisabled &7&lfor &c&l%arg-1%&7&l." to player
                    send "&4&lYou do not have access to that command"
5th: "the 1st argument is not a direction" and "'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead"
command /troll [<player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: troll.use
    permission message: Unknown command. Type ''/help'' for help.
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                message "&c&l/troll <player> <option>" and "&a&lUse &c&l/trollhelp &a&lto see all options."
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                message "&c&l/troll <player> <option>" and "&a&lUse &c&l/trollhelp &a&lto see all options."
        if arg 1 is not online:
            message "&c&lYou must specify an online player!"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 2 is "lava":
                    set the block above the arg 1 to lava
                    send "&6&lYou set block of lava above &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "creeper":
                    spawn 5 creepers at arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou spawned 5 creepers at &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "tnt":
                    create an explosion of force 10 at the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou exploded &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "fire":
                    ignite the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou ignited &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "slap":
                    damage arg 1 by 5 hearts
                    send "&6&lYou slapped &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "strike":
                    strike lightning at the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou striked &e&l%arg 1% &6&lwith lightning."
                if arg 2 is "push":
                    push the arg-1 upwards at speed 10
                    send "&6&lYou pushed &e&l%arg 1% &6&linto the sky."
                if arg 2 is "pumpkin":
                    set helmet of the arg-1 to pumpkin
                    send "&6&lYou set pumpkin on &e&l%arg 1%'s &6&lhead."
                if arg 2 is "poison":
                    poison the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou poisoned &e&l%arg 1%&6&l."
                if arg 2 is "bedrock":
                    set block 2 blocks above arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks north arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks south arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks east arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks west arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks below arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks north of arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks south of arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks east of arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks west of arg-1 to bedrock
                    send "&6&lYou surrounded &e&l%arg 1% &6&lwith bedrock."
                if arg 2 is "blind":
                    apply blindness to the argument 1 for 1 minute
                    send "&6&lSuccessfuly applied effect!" and "To remove the effect type &c&l/troll %arg 1% unblind"
                if arg 2 is "unblind":
                    remove blindness from the argument 1
                    send "&6&lYou removed blindness effect from &e&l%arg 1%&6&l."
                if arg 2 is "void":
                    console command "tp %arg 1% 0 0 0"
                    send "&6&lYou teleported &e&l%arg 1% &6&lout of the world."
                if arg 2 is "inventory" or "inv":
                    open the player's inventory for the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou forced &e&l%arg 1% &6&lto open his inventory."
                if arg 2 is "drunk":
                    apply nausea to the argument 1 for 1 minute
                    send "&6&lSuccessfuly applied effect!" and "To remove the effect type &c&l/troll %arg 1% sober"
                if arg 2 is "sober":
                    remove nausea from the argument 1
                    send "&6&lYou removed drunk effect from &e&l%arg 1%&6&l."
                if arg 2 is "chat":
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        make arg 1 say "%arg 3%"
                        send "&c&l/troll %arg 1% %arg 2% <message>"
command /trollhelp [<number>]:
    aliases: trolloptions, trollopt
    permission message: Unknown command. Type ''/help'' for help.
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&e&m------------------&f&l[ &b&lTroll Options &f&l]&e&m------------------"
            send "&f&llava | creeper | tnt | fire | slap | strike | push"
            send "&f&lpumpkin | poison | bedrock | blind | unblind | drunk"
            send "&f&lsober | inventory | void | chat |"
            send "&e&m----------------------------------------------------"
After I updated the skript from v2.2-dev28c to v2.2-dev37c the plugin won't start and I had to remove some of the addons because it seems that they are built in in the new version. Addons are: SkAction-2.2, skQuery 2.2, skRayFall_v1.9.7
After this changes my skripts got a lot of errors, some of them I fixed by myself but there are others that I can't fix.

1st: Can't understand this condition/effect: open chest with 3 row named "&c&lTrash" to player
command /trash:
        open chest with 3 row named "&c&lTrash" to player

2nd: Can't understand this condition/effect: send arg-1 title "&4&l%arg 2%" with subtitle "&l%arg 3%" for 3 seconds
command /alert [<offlineplayer>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: alert
    permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to that command
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    send arg-1 title "&4&l%arg 2%" with subtitle "&l%arg 3%" for 3 seconds
                    send "&7&l[&4&lAlert&7&l]&7&l%arg 3%" to arg-1
                    send "&c&lSuccessfully alerted &a&l%arg-1%&c&l!" to player
                    send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
                send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
            send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
        if arg 1 is "*" or "**":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    send all players title "&4&l%arg 2%" with subtitle "&l%arg 3%" for 3 seconds
                    broadcast "&7&l[&4&lAlert&7&l]&7&l %arg 3%"
                    send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
                send "&c&l/alert <player> <title> <text>"
3rd: the 1st argument is already a text, so you should not put it in one (e.g. the 1st argument instead of "%the 1st argument%") - this is a warn
 command /console [<text>]:
    aliases: terminal
    permission message: Unknown command. Type ''/help'' for help.
        if arg 1 is set:
            execute console command "%the 1st argument%"
            send "&7&l/console <command>"
4th: Parsing as text is useless as only things that are already text may be parsed
    prefix: &f&l[&b&lCMDSpy&f&l]
    blacklisted_command: login; authme; changepassword; register; l; reg; msg; m; tell; t; whisper; w; r; ac; helpop; amsg; a; report
on command:
    set {_bl} to "{@blacklisted_command}"
    set {_blacklist::*} to "%{_bl}%"  parsed as string split at "; " parsed as string
    loop {_blacklist::*}:
        loop-value is command
    if command's executor is a player:
        loop {commandspy.command::*}:
            if loop-value is player:
                stop trigger
                message "{@prefix} &e&l%player% &7&l>> &d&l/%full command%" to loop-value
        stop trigger

command /commandspy [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /cmdspy
    permission: commandspy
    permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to that command
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if {commandspy.%player%} is true:
                    remove player from {commandspy.command::*}
                    set {commandspy.%player%} to false
                    message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &c&ldisabled&7&l!"
                    add player to {commandspy.command::*}
                    set {commandspy.%player%} to true
                    message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &a&lenabled&7&l!"
        if arg-1 is not online:
            message "{@prefix} &7&lYou must specify an online player!"
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if player has permission "commandspy.others":
                    if {commandspy.%arg-1%} is true:
                        remove arg-1 from {commandspy.command::*}
                        set {commandspy.%arg-1%} to false
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &c&ldisabled &7&lfor &c&l%arg-1%&7&l!"
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &c&ldisabled&7&l!" to arg-1
                        add arg-1 to {commandspy.command::*}
                        set {commandspy.%arg-1%} to true
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &a&lenabled &7&lfor &a&l%arg-1%&7&l!"
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy &a&lenabled&7&l!" to arg-1
                    send "&4&lYou do not have access to that command"
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is "check":
                if player has permission "commandspy.check":
                    if {commandspy.%arg-1%} is true:
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy is &a&lenabled &7&lfor &a&l%arg-1%&7&l." to player
                        message "{@prefix} &7&lCommandSpy is &c&ldisabled &7&lfor &c&l%arg-1%&7&l." to player
                    send "&4&lYou do not have access to that command"
5th: "the 1st argument is not a direction" and "'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead"
command /troll [<player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: troll.use
    permission message: Unknown command. Type ''/help'' for help.
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                message "&c&l/troll <player> <option>" and "&a&lUse &c&l/trollhelp &a&lto see all options."
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                message "&c&l/troll <player> <option>" and "&a&lUse &c&l/trollhelp &a&lto see all options."
        if arg 1 is not online:
            message "&c&lYou must specify an online player!"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 2 is "lava":
                    set the block above the arg 1 to lava
                    send "&6&lYou set block of lava above &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "creeper":
                    spawn 5 creepers at arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou spawned 5 creepers at &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "tnt":
                    create an explosion of force 10 at the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou exploded &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "fire":
                    ignite the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou ignited &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "slap":
                    damage arg 1 by 5 hearts
                    send "&6&lYou slapped &e&l%arg 1%&e&l."
                if arg 2 is "strike":
                    strike lightning at the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou striked &e&l%arg 1% &6&lwith lightning."
                if arg 2 is "push":
                    push the arg-1 upwards at speed 10
                    send "&6&lYou pushed &e&l%arg 1% &6&linto the sky."
                if arg 2 is "pumpkin":
                    set helmet of the arg-1 to pumpkin
                    send "&6&lYou set pumpkin on &e&l%arg 1%'s &6&lhead."
                if arg 2 is "poison":
                    poison the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou poisoned &e&l%arg 1%&6&l."
                if arg 2 is "bedrock":
                    set block 2 blocks above arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks north arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks south arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks east arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks west arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks below arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks north of arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks south of arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks east of arg-1 to bedrock
                    set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks west of arg-1 to bedrock
                    send "&6&lYou surrounded &e&l%arg 1% &6&lwith bedrock."
                if arg 2 is "blind":
                    apply blindness to the argument 1 for 1 minute
                    send "&6&lSuccessfuly applied effect!" and "To remove the effect type &c&l/troll %arg 1% unblind"
                if arg 2 is "unblind":
                    remove blindness from the argument 1
                    send "&6&lYou removed blindness effect from &e&l%arg 1%&6&l."
                if arg 2 is "void":
                    console command "tp %arg 1% 0 0 0"
                    send "&6&lYou teleported &e&l%arg 1% &6&lout of the world."
                if arg 2 is "inventory" or "inv":
                    open the player's inventory for the arg 1
                    send "&6&lYou forced &e&l%arg 1% &6&lto open his inventory."
                if arg 2 is "drunk":
                    apply nausea to the argument 1 for 1 minute
                    send "&6&lSuccessfuly applied effect!" and "To remove the effect type &c&l/troll %arg 1% sober"
                if arg 2 is "sober":
                    remove nausea from the argument 1
                    send "&6&lYou removed drunk effect from &e&l%arg 1%&6&l."
                if arg 2 is "chat":
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        make arg 1 say "%arg 3%"
                        send "&c&l/troll %arg 1% %arg 2% <message>"
command /trollhelp [<number>]:
    aliases: trolloptions, trollopt
    permission message: Unknown command. Type ''/help'' for help.
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&e&m------------------&f&l[ &b&lTroll Options &f&l]&e&m------------------"
            send "&f&llava | creeper | tnt | fire | slap | strike | push"
            send "&f&lpumpkin | poison | bedrock | blind | unblind | drunk"
            send "&f&lsober | inventory | void | chat |"
            send "&e&m----------------------------------------------------"
1: use skquery
2: use skrayfall
3: remove the "% %" in the execute command
4: remove the "parsed as a string" part
5: what line is this from?
1: Is ok
2: Is ok
3: I made it that way but it wont works:
command /console [<text>]:
    aliases: terminal
    permission message: Unknown command. Type ''/help'' for help.
        if arg 1 is set:
            execute console command "arg"
            send "&7&l/console (command)"
4: I think for now is ok, but I'll test it later.
5: Now here I got some others errors:
[10:21:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 49: set block 2 blocks above arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 50: set block 1 blocks north arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 51: set block 1 blocks south arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 52: set block 1 blocks east arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 53: set block 1 blocks west arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 54: set block 1 blocks below arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead (, line 55: set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks north of arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead (, line 56: set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks south of arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead (, line 57: set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks east of arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead (, line 58: set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks west of arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/WARN]: the 3rd argument is already a text, so you should not put it in one (e.g. the 3rd argument instead of "%the 3rd argument%") (, line 80: make arg 1 say "%arg 3%"')
1: Is ok
2: Is ok
3: I made it that way but it wont works:
command /console [<text>]:
    aliases: terminal
    permission message: Unknown command. Type ''/help'' for help.
        if arg 1 is set:
            execute console command "arg"
            send "&7&l/console (command)"
4: I think for now is ok, but I'll test it later.
5: Now here I got some others errors:
[10:21:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 49: set block 2 blocks above arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 50: set block 1 blocks north arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 51: set block 1 blocks south arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 52: set block 1 blocks east arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 53: set block 1 blocks west arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: the 1st argument is not a direction (, line 54: set block 1 blocks below arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead (, line 55: set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks north of arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead (, line 56: set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks south of arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead (, line 57: set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks east of arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'argument(s)' cannot be used if the command has multiple arguments. Use 'argument 1', 'argument 2', etc. instead (, line 58: set block 1 blocks above block 1 blocks west of arg-1 to bedrock')
[10:21:07] [Server thread/WARN]: the 3rd argument is already a text, so you should not put it in one (e.g. the 3rd argument instead of "%the 3rd argument%") (, line 80: make arg 1 say "%arg 3%"')
3: execute console command arg-1
5: try setting a variable to arg-1 and using that in the lines which are causing the errors. The errors probably won't be gone but they will be better
Yes the errors are all of the same type. (theese lines under if arg 2 is "bedrock":emoji_slight_smile:
Lines 59, 62, 71 and 74 shows "argument 1", try using "arg 1" without quotes instead.

Line 80 make arg 1 say arg 3
After some testing, use this:
if arg 2 is "bedrock":
    set block 2 above arg 1 to bedrock
    set block north of arg 1 to bedrock
    set block above block north of arg 1 to bedrock
    set block south of arg 1 to bedrock
    set block above block south of arg 1 to bedrock
    set block east of arg 1 to bedrock
    set block above block east of arg 1 to bedrock
    set block west of arg 1 to bedrock
    set block above block west of arg 1 to bedrock
    set block below arg 1 to bedrock
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