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Jun 6, 2024
Hello I am a new scripter I started around a month ago and I need help with a effectsmp script this skript is supposed to give the player strength 1 on first kill, speed 1 on next and so on (both are supposed to max out at 3)

Heres the skript I have!

on death of player:
if attacker is a player:
broadcast "%victim% died to %attacker%"
execute console command "effect clear %victim%"

unless score %victim% hasStrength matches 1 if score %attacker% hasStrength matches 1:
broadcast "%attacker% has potion of strength!"
execute console command "effect clear %attacker% minecraft:strength"
execute console command "effect give %attacker% minecraft:speed 999999 2 true"
if else:
broadcast "%attacker% does not have potion of strength!"
execute console command "effect give %attacker% minecraft:strength 999999 2 true"
execute console command "scoreboard players set %attacker% hasStrength 1"
Updated skript:
Does not 100% work

on death of player:
if attacker is a player:
broadcast "%victim% died to %attacker%"
execute console command "effect clear %victim%"

unless score %victim% hasStrength matches 1 if score %attacker% hasStrength matches 1 run
broadcast "%attacker% has potion of strength!"
execute console command "effect clear %attacker% minecraft:strength"
execute console command "effect give %attacker% minecraft:speed 999999 0 true"
broadcast "%attacker% does not have potion of strength!"
execute console command "effect give %attacker% minecraft:strength 999999 0 true"
execute console command "scoreboard players set %attacker% hasStrength 1"

on death of player:
execute console command "effect give %attack% %effect% infinite +1 true"
Updated skript:
Does not 100% work

on death of player:
if attacker is a player:
broadcast "%victim% died to %attacker%"
execute console command "effect clear %victim%"

unless score %victim% hasStrength matches 1 if score %attacker% hasStrength matches 1 run
broadcast "%attacker% has potion of strength!"
execute console command "effect clear %attacker% minecraft:strength"
execute console command "effect give %attacker% minecraft:speed 999999 0 true"
broadcast "%attacker% does not have potion of strength!"
execute console command "effect give %attacker% minecraft:strength 999999 0 true"
execute console command "scoreboard players set %attacker% hasStrength 1"

on death of player:
execute console command "effect give %attack% %effect% infinite +1 true"
A huge tip I can give you is to avoid using 'execute console command' if you can help it. Skript has many already built in statements/conditions that allow you to apply potion affects, save individual player score values, and much more in shorter (More effective) lines as compared to longer lines. Check out the links I provided below which should help optimize and improve your code:
