Displaying Stats on Website

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May 21, 2017
Category: Skript/Web

Suggested name: SkStats

What I want:
I want someone to make my stats skript

    p: &3&l(STATS)&7
    t: &7
    h: &a
    h2: &f
    debug: &8(DEBUG)&7
    permissionError: &4&lERROR &cInsufficient Permissions
    error: &4&lERROR&c

function modifyStats(p: player, stat: text, mode: text, modifier: text, a: integer):
    set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid
    if {_modifier} = "+":
        add ({_a}) to {stats_.%{_mode}%.%{_stat}%::%{_uuid}%}
    else if {_modifier} = "-":
        remove ({_a}) from {stats_.%{_mode}%.%{_stat}%::%{_uuid}%}
function calculateRanking(p: player):
    set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid
    if {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%} > 0:
    if {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%} is between 0 and 99: # V
        if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lIV":
            simpleTitle("&cYou have been demoted||&a&lIV &a➜ &a&lV", 1, 5, 1, {_uuid})
        set {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} to "&a&lV"
    else if {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%} is between 100 and 199: # IV
        if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lV":
            simpleTitle("&2You have been promoted||&a&lV &a➜ &a&lIV", 1, 5, 1, {_uuid})
            loop 5 times:
                wait 0.5 seconds
                launch "BALL_LARGE" firework at {_uuid} timed 0 coloured "green" and "lime"
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lIII":
            simpleTitle("&cYou have been demoted||&a&lIII &a➜ &a&lIV", 1, 5, 1, {_uuid})
        set {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} to "&a&lIV"
    else if {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%} is between 200 and 299: # III
        if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lIV":
            simpleTitle("&2You have been promoted||&a&lIV &a➜ &a&lIII", 1, 5, 1, {_uuid})
            loop 5 times:
                wait 0.5 seconds
                launch "BALL_LARGE" firework at {_uuid} timed 0 coloured "green" and "lime"
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lII":
            simpleTitle("&cYou have been demoted||&a&lII &a➜ &a&lIII", 1, 5, 1, {_uuid})
        set {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} to "&a&lIII"
    else if {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%} is between 300 and 399: # II
        if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lII":
            simpleTitle("&2You have been promoted||&a&lIII &a➜ &a&lII", 1, 5, 1, {_uuid})
            loop 5 times:
                wait 0.5 seconds
                launch "BALL_LARGE" firework at {_uuid} timed 0 coloured "green" and "lime"
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lIII":
            simpleTitle("&cYou have been demoted||&a&lI &a➜ &a&lII", 1, 5, 1, {_uuid})
        set {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} to "&a&lII"
    else if {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%} is between 400 and 500: # I
        if {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lII":
            simpleTitle("&2You have been promoted||&a&lII &a➜ &a&lI", 1, 5, 1, {_uuid})
            loop 5 times:
                wait 0.5 seconds
                launch "BALL_LARGE" firework at {_uuid} timed 0 coloured "green" and "lime"
        set {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} to "&a&lI"
function modifyRankPoints(p: player, type: text):
    set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid
    if {_type} = "kills":
        if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lV":
            add 5 to {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lIV":
            add 4 to {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lIII":
            add 3 to {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lII":
            add 2 to {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lI":
            add 2 to {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lUnranked":
            add 4 to {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
    else if {_type} = "wins":
        add 10 to {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        #broadcast "{@debug} placementMatches of &o%{_p}% &f%{stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%}%"
        if {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%} > 0:
            remove 1 from {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%}
            send "" to {_p}
            send "&2&lYou have&r &a%{stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%}% &2&lPlacement Matches remaining." to {_p}
            send "" to {_p}
        else if {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%} < 0:
    else if {_type} = "deaths":
        if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lV":
            remove 5 from {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lIV":
            remove 6 from {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lIII":
            remove 7 from {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lII":
            remove 8 from {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lI":
            remove 9 from {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        else if {stats_.ranking::%{_uuid}%} = "&a&lUnranked":
            remove 6 from {stats_.ranking.num::%{_uuid}%}
        #broadcast "{@debug} placementMatches of &o%{_p}% &f%{stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%}%"
        if {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%} > 0:
            remove 1 from {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%}
            send "" to {_p}
            send "&2&lYou have&r &a%{stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%}% &2&lPlacement Matches remaining." to {_p}
            send "" to {_p}
        else if {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%{_uuid}%} < 0:
command /stats [<offline player=%sender%>]:
        send "{@p} {@h2}%offline player-arg%'s {@t}Solo Stats" to sender
        send ""
        send " &8▪ &b&lRanking &a&l%{stats_.ranking::%offline player-arg's uuid%}%"
        if {stats_.ranking::%offline player-arg's uuid%} = "&a&lUnranked":
            send "   &8▪ &b&lPlacement Matches Remaining &a%{stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%offline player-arg's uuid%}%"
        send " &8▪ &bKills &f%{stats_.solo.kills::%offline player-arg's uuid%}%" to sender
        send " &8▪ &bDeaths &f%{stats_.solo.deaths::%offline player-arg's uuid%}%" to sender
        send " &8▪ &bGames Won &f%{stats_.solo.wins::%offline player-arg's uuid%}%" to sender
        send " &8▪ &bGames Played &f%{stats_.solo.played::%offline player-arg's uuid%}%" to sender
command /resetStats [<offline player=%sender%>]:
    permission: command.resetStats
    permission message: {@permissionError}
        set {stats_.solo.kills::%offline player-arg's uuid%} to 0
        set {stats_.solo.deaths::%offline player-arg's uuid%} to 0
        set {stats_.solo.wins::%offline player-arg's uuid%} to 0
        set {stats_.solo.played::%offline player-arg's uuid%} to 0
        set {stats_.ranking.num::%offline player-arg's uuid%} to 150
        set {stats_.ranking::%offline player-arg's uuid%} to "&a&lUnranked"
        set {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%offline player-arg's uuid%} to 10

on join:
    if {stats_.solo.kills::%event-player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {stats_.solo.kills::%event-player's uuid%} to 0
    if {stats_.solo.deaths::%event-player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {stats_.solo.deaths::%event-player's uuid%} to 0
    if {stats_.solo.wins::%event-player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {stats_.solo.wins::%event-player's uuid%} to 0
    if {stats_.solo.played::%event-player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {stats_.solo.played::%event-player's uuid%} to 0
    if {stats_.ranking.num::%event-player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {stats_.ranking.num::%event-player's uuid%} to 150
    if {stats_.ranking::%event-player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {stats_.ranking::%event-player's uuid%} to "&a&lUnranked"
    if {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%event-player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {stats_.ranking.unrankedMatches.num::%event-player's uuid%} to 10
    wait 0.5 seconds
compatible so it can be displayed on a website similar to how this skript does it.

Ideas for commands:

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: Don't need it right now necessarily but I would like it in a reasonable time.
Do you know a lot or not a lot about HTML/CSS? If no. so maybe you can forget it. Cuz he worked it with HTML/CSS MySQL. That display in HTML/CSS.

I know, youre requesting. but here is just for Skript. and not Other like HTML/CSS.

you can maybe paid one guys who create for your HTML/CSS Website. or youre need learning it.