Solved Delete Skellett ScoreBoard

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Well, I was wondering if there is any way to delete the Skellett ScoreBoard if a player is in building mode enabled. For example:

if {building} is true:
    delete stylish scoreboard "Lobby-% loop-player%"

I wanted the ScoreBoard to disappear for the player if he is in the build mode enabled.
[doublepost=1523224293,1523125411][/doublepost]Someone help me.
could you post the part of your skript that activates the scoreboard, as well as whatever puts the player into "builder mode"
[doublepost=1523225538,1523225484][/doublepost]Do not call the messages in Portuguese I'm Brazilian.
Here are the building commands

command /construir:
    permission: skript.construir
    permission message: &cVocê precisa do grupo Construtor ou superior para executar este comando.
        if {@enable-build-command} is true:
            if {building} is false:
                set {building} to true
                set player's gamemode to creative
                set player's flight mode to true
                clear the inventory of player
                message "&aModo de construção ativado."
                delete stylish scoreboard "SkyWars-%player%"
                if {building} is true:
                    set {building} to false
                    set player's gamemode to adventure
                    set player's flight mode to true
                    clear the inventory of player
                    message "&cModo de construção desativado."
                    set slot 3 of player to skull of player named "&aPerfil"
                    set slot {@Servidores-Slot} of player to {@Servidores-Item} named "{@Servidores-Nome}"
                    set slot {@Lobbies-Slot} of player to {@Lobbies-Item} named "{@Lobbies-Nome}"
                    set slot 5 of player to light green dye named "&fJogadores: &aON"
                    set slot {@Colecionáveis-Slot} of player to {@Colecionáveis-Item} named "{@Colecionáveis-Nome}"
[doublepost=1523225745,1523225668][/doublepost]And here to be the scoreboard

every second:
    loop all players:   
        if loop-player's world is "LobbyPrincipal":           
            if stylish scoreboard "Lobby-%loop-player%" does not exist:
                create new stylish scoreboard named "Lobby-%loop-player%"
                loop 7 times:
                    create a new id based score "Lobby-%loop-player%Slot%loop-number%" with text "&%loop-number%" slot loop-number for stylish scoreboard "Lobby-%loop-player%"
            wait 3 ticks
            set title of stylish scoreboard "Lobby-%loop-player%" to "&6&l&6&lHugNetWork"
            set stylish scoreboard of loop-player to "Lobby-%loop-player%"   
            set the text of id "Lobby-%loop-player%Slot7" to "&7&l"       
            set the text of id "Lobby-%loop-player%Slot6" to "Grupo: %{HugNetWork.grupo.%loop-player%}%"
            set the text of id "Lobby-%loop-player%Slot5" to "Cash: &a%{cash.%loop-player%}%"               
            set the text of id "Lobby-%loop-player%Slot4" to "&8"
            set the text of id "Lobby-%loop-player%Slot3" to "Online: &a%number of all players%"
            set the text of id "Lobby-%loop-player%Slot2" to "&7"
            set the text of id "Lobby-%loop-player%Slot1" to "&"
            delete stylish scoreboard "SkyWars-%loop-player%"
            if {building} is true:
                delete stylish scoreboard "Lobby-%loop-player%"
        if loop-player's world is "LobbySkyWars":           
            if stylish scoreboard "SkyWars-%loop-player%" does not exist:
                create new stylish scoreboard named "SkyWars-%loop-player%"
                loop 15 times:
                    create a new id based score "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot%loop-number%" with text "&%loop-number%" slot loop-number for stylish scoreboard "SkyWars-%loop-player%"
            wait 3 ticks
            set title of stylish scoreboard "SkyWars-%loop-player%" to "&6&lSKY WARS"
            set stylish scoreboard of loop-player to "SkyWars-%loop-player%"
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot15" to "&7&l"   
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot14" to "&eSolo:"   
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot13" to "&r  Vítimas: &a24.763"       
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot12" to "&r  Vitórias: &a19.967"
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot11" to "&eDupla:"   
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot10" to "  Vítimas: &a54.067"   
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot9" to "  Vitórias: &a62.056"   
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot8" to "&eMega:"   
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot7" to "  Vítimas: &a24.763"       
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot6" to "  Vitórias: &a19.967"
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot5" to ""               
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot4" to "Coins: &a99.995"               
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot3" to "Cash: &a%{cash.%loop-player%}%"
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot2" to "&7"
            set the text of id "SkyWars-%loop-player%Slot1" to "&"
            delete stylish scoreboard "Lobby-%loop-player%"
            delete stylish scoreboard "SkyWars-%loop-player%"
Ok for starters in your Builders skript, change {building} to {building::%player%} ... this will give each player a building variable rather than everyone sharing the same variable.

Next in your Scoreboard skript simply after "if loop-player's world is "LobbySkyWars": "
if {building::%loop-player%} is false:
    #put your scoreboard skript here#
if {building::%loop-player%} is true:
    #put your delete stylist scoreboard thing here#
Ok for starters in your Builders skript, change {building} to {building::%player%} ... this will give each player a building variable rather than everyone sharing the same variable.

Next in your Scoreboard skript simply after "if loop-player's world is "LobbySkyWars": "
if {building::%loop-player%} is false:
    #put your scoreboard skript here#
if {building::%loop-player%} is true:
    #put your delete stylist scoreboard thing here#

I added all this, and when I ran the command nothing happened.
[QUOTE = "ShaneBee, post: 28795, membro: 5254"] você configurou, então quando você está no modo construtor,
"{building ::% loop-player%}" está definido como verdadeiro? [/ QUOTE]

As I said, I changed the {building} variable to {building ::% loop-player%} and nothing happened, nor did it change my game mode, nor did the message appear.
because your variable "{building ::% loop-player%}" is never set anywhere
You would have to set it to either true/false in the first place
Such as using an on join event
You can't write a simple 2 line code? I think youre in trouble then, its like the most basic of basic skript skills

on join:
set {building ::%player%} to false
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