Discord Thread custom tag being removed from block

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in my script below sometimes the "item display" will lose the custom tag that makes it function as the "item display" when retracted by a piston. does anyone know why this is happening?

command /loaditemdisplay:
        set {itemdisp} to iron trapdoor named "&fItem Display"
        give {itemdisp} to the player

on place:
    if 1 of player's tool is {itemdisp}:
        set tag "custom;itemdisp" of nbt of event-block to 1

function itemdispgui(p: player):
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 1 row with name "Item Display"
    set slot 0, 1, 2, and 3 of {_gui} to black stained glass pane named " "
    set slot 5, 6, 7, and 8 of {_gui} to black stained glass pane named " "
    set slot 4 of {_gui} to {disp.%{locofitemdisp.%{_p}%}%}
    open {_gui} to {_p}

on right click:
    if nbt of event-block has tag "custom;itemdisp":
        if tag "custom;itemdisp" of nbt of event-block is 1:
            cancel event
            set {locofitemdisp.%player%} to location of event-block

on inventory close:
    if name of event-inventory is "Item Display":
        set {disp.%{locofitemdisp.%player%}%} to slot 4 of event-inventory

on inventory click:
    if click action is double click using mouse or left mouse button with shift:
        event-item is black stained glass pane named " "
        cancel event
    if name of event-inventory is "Item Display":
        if event-inventory is player's top inventory:
            if index of event-slot != 4:
                cancel event

on break:
    if nbt of event-block has tag "custom;itemdisp":
        if tag "custom;itemdisp" of nbt of event-block is 1:
            cancel event
            set event-block to air
            drop {itemdisp} at location of event-block
Please try it on your own servers and see if you can find the issue because right now I’m clueless.

Posted by: nathan.5718 from the skUnity Discord.
so my testing leads to it only disappearing when using a non sticky piston and if it doesn't go back into the original place it was set

Posted by: fusezion from the skUnity Discord.
command /loaditemdisplay:
        give iron trapdoor named "&fItem Display" to the player

on place:
    add location of event-block to {blocks::*} if name of player's tool is "&fItem Display"
function itemdispgui(p: player):
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 1 row with name "Item Display"
    set slots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 of {_gui} to black stained glass pane named "&8*"
    set slot 4 of {_gui} to {disp.%{locofitemdisp.%{_p}%}%}
    open {_gui} to {_p}

on right click:
    {blocks::*} contains location of clicked block
    cancel event

on inventory close:
    set {disp::%{locofitemdisp::%player%}%} to slot 4 of event-inventory if name of event-inventory is "Item Display"
on inventory click:
    event-inventory is not player's inventory
    click type is left mouse button
    name of event-inventory is "Item Display"
    cancel event

on break:
    {blocks::*} contains location of event-block
    cancel event
    remove location of event-block from {blocks::*}
    set event-block to air
    drop event-block at location of event-block
it seems to me that this is some error with nbt, i also corrected the code a bit, i didnt check if it works but there are no errors

Posted by: _grifin_ from the skUnity Discord.
the only interaction skbee has with pistons is this part of the api listener
    // If a piston moves a block with NBT, we remove the NBT
    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
    private void onPistonPush(BlockPistonExtendEvent event) {
        if (!this.PISTON_EXTEND) return;
        if (event.isCancelled()) return;
        Block piston = event.getBlock();
        BlockState blockState = piston.getState();

        if (event.isSticky()) return;
        if (blockState instanceof TileState) return;
        if (!NBTApi.supportsBlockNBT()) return;
My guess is nbt isn't saved to a block as much as it's saved to a location inside a chunk

Posted by: fusezion from the skUnity Discord.
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