Solved "cancel event" not working

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Jul 19, 2023
This is my current code, in which for whatever reason the "cancel event" that should cancel inventory click isn't working. Am I missing something or is this a bug within skript?

function makeMenu(name: text, rows: number) :: inventory:
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with {_rows} rows with name {_name}
    set slot 1 of {_gui} to iron axe named "&1Pirate" with lore "&r&fWays to gain xp:%nl%&r&fKilling players%nl%&r&flooting (use /loot)%nl%&r&fswimming"
    set slot 2 of {_gui} to diamond pickaxe named "&fMiner" with lore "&r&fWays to gain xp:%nl%&r&fMining"
    set slot 3 of {_gui} to spyglass named "&6Adventurer" with lore "&r&fWays to gain xp:%nl%&r&fWalking"
    set slot 4 of {_gui} to gold sword named "&8Warrior" with lore "&r&fWays to gain xp:%nl%&r&fKilling Monsters"
    set slot 5 of {_gui} to carrot named "&aFarmer" with lore "&r&fWays to gain xp:%nl%&r&fHarvesting grown crops"
    set slot 6 of {_gui} to oak log named "&6Builder" with lore "&r&fWays to gain xp:%nl%&r&fPlacing blocks"
    return {_gui}

command /class choose:
        if {clss::%player%} is not set:
            set {_menu} to makeMenu("Classes", 1)
            open {_menu} to player
            add {_menu} to {my inventories::*}
        else if {clss::%player%} is "no class":
            set {_menu} to makeMenu("Classes", 1)
            add {_menu} to {my inventories::*} # Prepare to listen to this inventory.
            open {_menu} to player
            send "&l&3[CaribbeanFun]&r: &4You have already chosen a class"

on inventory click: # Listen for players clicking in any inventory.
    if {my inventories::*} contains event-inventory:
        cancel event
        index of event-slot is 1:
            set {clss::%player%} to "Pirate"
            send "&l&3[CaribbeanFun]&r: You have chosen %{clss::%player%}%"
            close inventory of player
        index of event-slot is 2:
            set {clss::%player%} to "Miner"
            send "&l&3[CaribbeanFun]&r: You have chosen %{clss::%player%}%"
            close inventory of player
        index of event-slot is 3:
            set {clss::%player%} to "Adventurer"
            send "&l&3[CaribbeanFun]&r: You have chosen %{clss::%player%}%"
            close inventory of player
        index of event-slot is 4:
            set {clss::%player%} to "Warrior"
            send "&l&3[CaribbeanFun]&r: You have chosen %{clss::%player%}%"
            close inventory of player
        index of event-slot is 5:
            set {clss::%player%} to "Farmer"
            send "&l&3[CaribbeanFun]&r: You have chosen %{clss::%player%}%"
            close inventory of player
        index of event-slot is 6:
            set {clss::%player%} to "Builder"
            send "&l&3[CaribbeanFun]&r: You have chosen %{clss::%player%}%"
            close inventory of player

on inventory close: # No longer need to listen to this inventory.
    {my inventories::*} contains event-inventory:
        remove event-inventory from {my inventories::*}
The solution ended up being restarting the server multiple times. Skript was trying to update but kept cancelling half way through. It randomly just worked after multiple restarts/