Discord Thread Can someone help me setup a pricing system? Its really laggy with my current code

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Last time I did it with the inventory click it was hell and basically nothing worked
on inventory click:
    if name of event-item is "&a&lAdd 1":
        add 1 to item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory

on inventory click:
    if name of event-item is "&a&lAdd 10":
        add 10 to item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory

on inventory click:
    if name of event-item is "&a&lSet to 64":
        set item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory to 64

on inventory click:
    if name of event-item is "&a&lSet to 16":
        set item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory to 16

on inventory click:
    if name of event-item is "&c&lRemove 1":
        remove 1 from item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory

on inventory click:
    if name of event-item is "&c&lRemove 10":
        remove 10 from item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory

on inventory click:
    if name of event-item is "&c&lSet to 1":
        set item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory to 1

Posted by: harfull from the skUnity Discord.
on inventory click:
    if name of event-item is "&c&lSet to 1":
        set item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory to 1
    else if name of event-item is "&c&lRemove 10":
        remove 10 from item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory
    else if name of event-item is "&c&lRemove 1":
        remove 1 from item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory
    else if name of event-item is "&a&lAdd 1":
        add 1 to item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory
    else if name of event-item is "&a&lSet to 16":
        set item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory to 16
    else if name of event-item is "&a&lSet to 64":
        set item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory to 64
    else if name of event-item is "&a&lAdd 10":
        add 10 to item amount of slot 13 of event-inventory

Posted by: harfull from the skUnity Discord.
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