Discord Thread can someone help me? i

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heres the skript
on right click:
  player's tool's name contains "Terminator"
  #run the function
function termbeam(p: player, length: number, dmg: number):
    set {_x} to 0
    set {_l} to 0
    loop {_length} times:   #loops as many times as long as the length from the function input
        add 1 to {_x}
        add 0.25 to {_l}
        set {_rg%{_x}%} to location {_l} meters infront of {_p}
        set {_rg%{_x}%} to location 1.18 meters above {_rg%{_x}%} #aligns with where player is looking better
    # all of the locations are saved as soon as the function is called, effects such as particles can be applied afterwards.
    set {_x} to 0
    loop {_length} times:
        add 1 to {_x}
        draw 1 dripping_lava at {_rg%{_x}%} #change color or particle type
        loop entities in radius 1 around {_rg%{_x}%}:
            loop-entity is not {_p}
            damage loop-entity by {_dmg}
        loop blocks in radius 0.5 around {_rg%{_x}%}:
            if loop-block is not tall grass, short grass, snow layer, air or water:
                stop #projectile does not go through blocks, but passes through expected blocks 
on damage:
    attacker is player
    attacker's tool's name contains "Terminator"
    set {hits::%victim's uuid%::%attacker's uuid%} to {hits::%victim's uuid%::%attacker's uuid%} + 1
    {hits::%victim's uuid%::%attacker's uuid%} = 3
    clear {hits::%victim's uuid%::%attacker's uuid%}
    {termbeam.%attacker's uuid%} isn't set
    set {termbeam.%attacker's uuid%} to 1
    termbeam(attacker, 50, 70)
    wait 0.5 second
    clear {termbeam.%attacker's uuid%}

Posted by: 4icyy from the skUnity Discord.
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