Balance skript not working (UHC)

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Jul 21, 2017
Ok so, with Balance the first 2 diamonds is a 100% drop but then after that the percentage of the diamond being dropped gets lowered but when we test it, after the 2nd diamond the diamonds do not drop at all. We want it so after the 5th diamond the percentage gets lowered and we want the percentage getting lowered to be fixed :C We paid a dev to fix it but clearly they did not fix it :C
Well, I dont know who you paid, but what i do know is that you shouldn't be paying him. The script looks pretty bad to me.
But, I will fix the problem later this day for you.
You paid someone actual money to fix a 40 line script that you probably could have fixed yourself?
I didn't pay them, the main server owner did. And I couldn't fix it myself which is why I am still here waiting :C I didn't make it as well, we got it from the internet then it was not working so we paid someone to fix it since he had done past stuff for us but yet it still does not work.
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