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  1. S

    There's no player in a periodical event

    Hello, i'm trying to do a scoreboard where it can show your job in a game i'm working on. In my first script I set {job::%player%} as the players job and in script 2 (scoreboard script), i try to use that variable but it gives me an error saying "There's no player in a periodical event". I've...
  2. J

    Use "strike lightning effect at the target" to add variable values when zombies die

    I'm making a script that increases damage by adding values to variables when I kill monsters. My script is to right-click, summon lightning and kill damage The phrase is strike lightning effect at the target block @loop all living entities in radius 5 around target block: @@damage...
  3. Z

    Solved Giving Variable not Working

    Im trying to create a crate system. What i want it to do is when clicked on it gives you a random element from a list variable. on right click on lime stained glass: if player is holding a tripwire hook: cancel event clear {list::*} add "stone" to {list::*}...