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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. D

    Add a second suffix

    I want to add a second suffix based on what the player sets. I am using Pex and Skript. The format would be: [Prefix] [Displayname] [Suffix] [Suffix2]: The prefix is ingame rank, the suffix is donator rank and the suffix2 will be custom tag. I can make it so the player can set their own suffix...
  2. S

    skAnimatedTags (Under pleayer heads tags)

    Hello guys: Suggested name: skAnimatedTags, skAnimatedNames, skPlayersNameTags What I want: I want to see realy realy some realy good skript for that the player can have under heads 2 maybe 2 lines of Tags, possible to see Prefix player name and suffix and possible option a config in wich...