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  1. T

    Solved Way to make skript more efficient

    I have made this code to make a random string of letters however it is very laggy. I am wondering if there is a way to make it better. command /genstring: permission: the77event.captcha trigger: set {id::*} to "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N"...
  2. A

    Solved add string to player variable

    im trying to add "text" to {test::%player's uuid%} but it doesnt seem to work command /wip: trigger: add "text" to {test::%player's uuid%} send {test::%player's uuid%} to player
  3. CreeperOverLord7

    Solved Special characters in string

    How can I put special character such as \r, \f, \b, etc. in a string? set {_myString} to "\r" send {_myString} # outputs "\r" I want it to output the actual \r (CARRIAGE RETURN) character rather than the literal text "\r", without using skript-mirror if possible. I know that skript has newline...
  4. F

    variables in strings

    Skript Version: Skript 2.4 Skript Author: fireyburst1097 Minecraft Version: 1.15.2 --- every 5 seconds: loop all players: wipe loop-player sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&l&nGensMiner" set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 11 set...
  5. L

    Solved split String at "\n"

    Hello ! TLDR: I want to split text "variable \n variable \n variable" on each "\n" and turn "variable" into an element of a list. After looking in java code, docs and other horrible things i'm in front of this little easy problem but i just can't find the right exact way to write it. So i...
  6. MisterBasic

    Solved Using Random Letters...

    When i go to use my code, it causes tons of errors in the console. Error here Function Usage: randomString("a|b|c|d|e|f") Outputs Random character that is defined, which could be a, b, c, d, e, f function randomString(char: text) :: text: set {_characters::*} to {_char} split at "|"...
  7. D

    String to item type

    Hello, I am trying to make barrels/storage drawers in Skript. For those of you who don't know, storage drawers is a mod that allows for storing large amounts of a single item type in a block. I don't know how to store the item type though, this is what I've got so far...
  8. Spartan9802

    Solved Inventory to string mysql

    Good morning. Hello, How to save a player's inventory in a mysql database? I know it is possible to serialize in java but how to do it in skript: /
  9. M

    Way to cut/sub a string? This should be simple...

    Let's assume I have this code: set {specialString} to "This is a special string" How can I get the last word in that string and set that to a variable?